Katie’s home

Katie turned up around 5 this morning, looking just fine. She was at a friend’s house a couple of blocks away. She was about to go back to bed and I asked her when she was getting up in the morning and she said 9, and I said, Hunh? You don’t have to work until 5 pm today!

She looked at her schedule and acknowledged that she was having a little temporal difficulty.

Now that I can actually concentrate rather than being entirely freaked out all the time, I plan on having a great weekend, starting with a massage tonight, and then a friend’s birthday party tomorrow, and then lots, and lots of packing and dejunking. That part is a little harder to be enthusiastic about.

In happy family news, Paul has a great niece named Ava and Jesse sent us pix. She must have been scant days old in the family picture they sent, just a wee little mite; we are happy to welcome Ava to the family.

Paparazzi free zone

Until this morning, when I learned of the existence of Kate Middleton, I didn’t know where the term paparazzi came from. It came from the name of a photographer in Fellini’s La Dolce Vita who was in turn named after a school chum whose nickname was Paparazzo – “Mosquito”.

Kate Middleton is somebody or other’s girlfriend, and as far as I know, she doesn’t have a blog. She doesn’t have to, with half the scurvy press outside her door.

Continue reading Paparazzi free zone

New recipe

Four dry cups tricolori noodles, boiled and drained

2 – 4 chicken breasts minced (I used a food processor)

Basil, parsley, garlic, black pepper, a leedle bit salt

Cheese sauce (about a cup of grated cheese, flour, butter) – make it runny

Can mushrooms

Assemble in casserole dish, slap on lid and cook for an hour at 350 F

Yummy. Intensely foodlike, and a definite step up from KD.