Anybody who’s ever been in a battle of wills with a dearly loved animal will enjoy this.
Life is cruising along remarkably nicely. Jeff has installed a network printer (Granny’s old printer), updated the wireless, and, and, and – the AV instructions. Yes, yes yay!
Last night Keith and Paul and Katie and Jeff and I went to Schnitzelmania and consumed, strangely, schnitzel, although Katie and Keith actually had chicken skewers. Then we came back home and watched really lame tv. A lot of our fave shows have lost the plot. Bones was beyond words lame, and CSI wasn’t much better…. too many explosions. It’s a lab show, not an explosion show.
I purchased Zero History, What have you changed your mind about?, and the first two Toby Daye books. Today I will spend money on biscotti ingredients. And possibly a cajon. I have lots of other things to do as well.