Chubblies is Lady Miss B’s name for the cherries which are blooming in such profusion in Vancouver right now… to the point where I curse every time it stops raining, since the pollen count is grievous whenever they get a chance to start pushing out their nasty tree sex stuff.
I have a morning routine now, always pleasant. It’s an hour door to door now, with lots of lovely exercise. When the weather is crappy I will get off at Main because it is both safer and flatter. Currently I have to cross two two-lane roads and two sets of train tracks with no level crossing, through a bramble bush, all in rapid succession, to get to work. I am a determined older worker.
I spent thirty dollars on tea and tea related items yesterday, as I am tired of drinking crappy tea. And Friday Afternoon Tea is far away.
My new order came!
Brain training doesn’t work, says a crappily researched article on the internet today. I subscribe to Lumosity, and it has done two things that I can see for sure. One is that my field of vision is huge now; I can see what’s going on in front of me with proper attention, to the point when I will catch things on tv shows and Jeff will run it back to look, and Jeff is an attentive viewer. It made driving easier, too, I felt more confident that I could see the full picture. The other is that my short term memory is definitely better. Not improved to the point I am happy with it, but better. Anyway, as long as I see benefits I’ll keep training.
We have weekly staff meetings. Happy sigh. With Skype, even.