
Jeff and I and the folks had a lovely meal last night.  I am so happy to be able to return at least in some small part their hospitality.

Work is intense with the move coming this Friday and then Monday, hopefully all phones will be working.  It will probably go a lot better than I think.

I have lots to say but don’t know how to say it without sounding hopelessly self involved or just plain nuts.  Since anybody who reads this blog already knows I’m both (in heaping handsful) I can just leave that to one side.


Katie called up last night and knocked the one thing I had to do last night (call Chipper) out of my tiny pea brain.

Katie’s domestic sitch is very unpleasant.  We are being quietly supportive.  She came over last night.  Anybody following my facebook page will be putting it together.  I say some outrageous stuff on facebook… it’s one of the reasons my blog has gotten thinner actually….

Keith and Katie are thinking of moving in together.  I am having no public opinion on the subject, mostly because it’s none of my fucking business.

Ziva failed Aircare (I can hear my pOp smirking from here, and shaky fisty, buddy!) so she’s back in the shop today while I take the bus.

I am going to get up and tidy the kitchen, then throw on some clothes and head out the door.

A customer said something that made me very very very amused yesterday.  In brief, he called me on my private (unrecorded) line to roll his eyes over the customer service that somebody else had provided, and I provided him with a method of getting some service.  This isn’t about any of my worksiblings, because they are all godlike in their forbearance, intelligence and support skills.

Fuck transparency

Hey, that’s not my feeling on the subject, it’s the Harper Governmentâ„¢’s.

Margot picked up a letter opener on Jeff’s desk in her mouth and then took it to the edge to drop it off to play with it.

She’s very slowly becoming more affectionate with me.  She’s learned to ask me to open the door, and she asks for treats and pets and to be played with (posturally – she doesn’t ‘talk’).  Eddie is also much more affectionate but he skitters away if he thinks I’m going to pick him up.

My dreams were cluttered and weird.

Seeing Katie this afternoon. I suspect I’ll be poorer by the time it’s over. but I only say that for humorous intent.  MSP says she owes them money, and maybe she does.

I sometimes wonder what John would think of these election shenanigans.

Birth and Death

I welcome Kaihan, born March 31, and a sweet little (my god, 9 lbs 5 oz) guy belonging to a coworker of mine.

I mourn the mysterious death of Debbie’s brother; I can’t provide any more details than that, but I really feel for the parents; losing a child is very, very hard.

I was sick yesterday.