homily’s done; turkey is acquired, now to call the volunteers for church tomorrow

I am very pleased with the homily.  I read it to mOm and she chided me for not quoting from the King James Version for the text.

I will be SO looking forward to Monday, when I can have a proper collapse and which will probably turn into a The Wire-fest.  Gosh, I do so love that show.  The characters are all so BIG.


No walk this morning, cleaning instead.

Coffee’s ready.  I am very happy with my current coffee.  I have decided that I don’t really like the coffee from church, so I’ll continue to buy fair trade coffee but I’ll stick to what I like.

We actually got through a bottle of red wine without throwing any out.   This never happens, mostly because I do not drink wine.

Work, which has been intense and crunchy, continues to kick it up a notch.  There’s nothing like talking down a customer who starts a 35 minute conversation with a polite request to speak to your grandboss and ends with a “Have a nice cold beer”, but that was how my day ended.

I still haven’t been able to get to a music shop to buy an amp. Grr

The homily is mocking me.  I need inner strength, or something.

I send out an enormous shout out to Sue Sparlin.  I luves that woman.

I could complain about other stuff, like how my daughter hasn’t called me in a week, but that is just me being grumpy. and I’m going to be in the Grumpy Zone for a while yet.

Coffee and sunshine

I’m sitting in the kitchen watching the sun breaking through the clouds.  Today I’m getting the furniture on the back deck ready to be put away for the rainy season by getting it all clean and dry.  I shelled the seed peas, cleaned the last of the seed quinoa, and once it’s a little dryer I’ll put the last of the sod I pulled out of the yard for the garden into the composter.  Paul figured out how to get the chaff separated from the seeds for the quinoa – but first you have to dry everything.  My big mistake was processing everything wet.

Jeff has learned to clean out Miss Margot’s eyecruft.  I noticed that she was phenomenally goopy this time last year too – much more so than normal, so I’m assuming that like most Persians she has some kind of allergy.  She’s on the qui vive right now, there are bush tits flocking through the dogwood in the back yard and while she’s no bird hunter (flying insects being more her speed), she’s intensely interested in our feathered friends.

Eddie ‘pulled a Margot’ the other day, blasting past her so close that he nearly bowled her over.  It doesn’t matter – nothing he can do would end her regard and admiration for him.  I love how she runs parallel to him throwing her silky tail over his back, while standing about a third closer to the ground.

So nice to have the back door standing open.  Friends and family come visit!

Sublime, meet ridiculous. I’m sure you’ll have a lot to talk about….

I should have been doing work for church, but instead I went for a walk in East Van with Carly, Paul and Katie.  I could not pry Jeff loose from Nascar and Keith was working.  Carly has gone from being gorgeous to being unearthly, courtesy of a completely natural set of blonde streaks due to travelling in Central America for four months and then working outside the whole summer.  I love that girl, she is so smart and … you know, decorative and pleasant.  And funny.  And she has superlative taste.  Great seeing her interact with her coz Katie.

Keith has a job interview for another part time job downtown.  If he gets another day per week he’ll be in very good shape.  He also doesn’t mind if he doesn’t get it as it’s an opportunity to practice his job interview skills.  Keith in many respects is a brutally practical individle… wonder where he gets that from.

Jeff just knocked at my door wondering if it was a church day.  Yes…. but I don’t have to open or close, so beautifully, I need only leave at 10.

After we dropped Katie back at work (she’s been hauling full shifts because of the staffing chaos at her job) at two I went to Galloway’s in New West for almonds for biscotti.  Son of a bear!  I am extremely miffed because the almonds were CRAP.  So no biscotti – I could be a jerk and make them anyway but I have a brand reputation to maintain.

Which ties in very neatly to my reading – I am reading Zero History.  There are some very cool ideas in that book.

I am off to church now. Choir sings, and ha ha, you’re going to miss it.

I will have to COMPLETELY rewrite my freaking homily.  THAT’S what happens when you think you know what you’re doing and then go into Buffy Research Mode.  I’ve been taking my glasses off and putting them back on A LOT.

I don’t think I’ll go to Vcon.  I gots no energy for Cons right now.

Various and sundry

Anybody who’s ever been in a battle of wills with a dearly loved animal will enjoy this.

Life is cruising along remarkably nicely.  Jeff has installed a network printer (Granny’s old printer), updated the wireless, and, and, and – the AV instructions.  Yes, yes yay!

Last night Keith and Paul and Katie and Jeff and I went to Schnitzelmania and consumed, strangely, schnitzel, although Katie and Keith actually had chicken skewers.  Then we came back home and watched really lame tv.  A lot of our fave shows have lost the plot.  Bones was beyond words lame, and CSI wasn’t much better…. too many explosions.  It’s a lab show, not an explosion show.

I purchased Zero History, What have you changed your mind about?, and the first two Toby Daye books.  Today I will spend money on biscotti ingredients.  And possibly a cajon.  I have lots of other things to do as well.