My day yestidday

What a day
So this is how my day went yestidday, went. Up at 8 to make oatmeal and call lawyers. Get blown off a lot, no happy ending at this inn, etc. Completely forget the date with the videographer and get the independent legal advice instead from the first available lawyer down on Hastings (this to tie off last loose end on separation agreement), grab beers and finally get a proper bedside lamp. Come home and find annoyed message from videographer. Transportation “magically” occurs to the correct locale (thank you thank you); I then shoot my first Youtube video of me singing the Tapioca Song (please allow two weeks for delivery. Should be here for Halloween) in beautiful weather a la Ed Wood (permit??? We don’t need no steeenkeeng permit!) in a local park. While in prep mode for the video, lead hombre on the posse calls and demands my attendance for a meal. Grab mando and run like the hammers for the next appointment at the optician, during which I sign up for very expensive spectacles (I think I’m finally old enough to get verigray lenses and it’s the blessed progressive lenses for me now boys OMG BIFOCALS yes I am old now) and get drops put in my eyes which really make me very high – in a nasty chemically sort of way – but which allows the peeper inspecter to pronounce the eyeballs of acceptable health. I have had drops put in my eyes before but never with this result. The exam was a nightmare. I did get those free sunglasses, and did I need them. Then to a gorgeous Skytrain ride, followed by meeting up with the posse, followed by wandering around the Planetarium and enjoying being outdoors in stunning weather and finding an open unlocked public washroom in Vancouver (like the holy grail) and being on Sunset Beach at sunset while every romantic bone in my body demands to go dancing. And can’t. Then dinner at Phnom Penh, which was bloody amazing, although I could done without the sliced previously cooked and refrigerated chicken liver in the soup. Bleash. I put it to one side and doggedly kept eating. Split a Tartufo three ways for dessert. Then to a bathhouse on Hastings where we all got very clean and very sweaty, and then very clean again. The bathhouse is so unsleazy and nice that it restored my faith in humanity, and the guy running it was amazing, and I wandered back onto Hastings in an almost rapturous frame of mind. Then I got a lift to the Main Station. Took me ages to get home, the 145 bus was verkockt. Quite a day, hunh? I was supposed to crash early and who’da thunk it?  Lights out at midnight….