Joan Jett concert tonight with Mike, lunch today with Katie.  Thinking of renting a car to come to Victoria next weekend as the Bengal Lounge is closing and there is going to be a meeting of drunken lefties there and I’d like to see J. and the new kitties.  Plus my mother.  I can’t find the manuscript for the second book, which is crazy making, but it hasn’t left the house so I’m not worried.

It is possible but unlikely that I will bring offspring to Victoria but nothing is for sure.

Interview went well but there are many candidates.  Sounds like the church is a lot better at being a church for all nations than Beacon ever was.

Margot just came in and I put her in the window for a good view, and she actually stayed there and looked around for a while.  Buster watched cat videos with me the other morning.  He does that occasionally; he comes into my bedroom and ‘assumes the video watching position’ which is adorable. He is an extremely catly cat, and we loves him. Margot is just a pleasant fur generator by comparison, but she still has enough personality to make it interesting.