absolutely spent

Dropped Alex off…. came back home, then walked to the eye doc because I might get drops, but I didn’t, so I did about ten times as much walking as I’m used to.  BUT my eyes are in as good health as a prediabetic my age can expect – and my prescription has BARELY changed.

Picked up my prescriptions while I was out (cutting it fine as always, eyeroll) and confirmed that my local pharmacy will give me my flu and COVID shot, so I’ll probably do that tomorrow.

Right now I’m waiting for the landlady; rats peed and pooed in the insulation for the oven and THE STENCH OF BURNING RAT PEE fills the house while I’m trying to cook nommy food. I don’t care if we get something ugly as long as the burners and oven work.

Jeff and I are still hearing rats from time to time. GET ON IT BUSTER.

Suzanne and I are going to a place called Juke – they only serve gluten free fried chicken so Suzanne is TRES KEEN to go.