42nd St

Just finished watching a seriously strange and wondrous cultural artifact. Keith, for reasons best known to God, decided to pull out the 1933 Opus “42nd Street” and watch it. Like, first thing this morning, which was about 10:00. (Paul had gone off to work).

I realized I had slid onto an alternate plane of processed cheese when I heard 72 year old dialogue like “Anytime Annie? She only said no once, and that was because she didn’t hear the question!”

The movie itself is no great shakes, and Warner Baxter could have stood a thicker mustache (this line deleted) but what really pulled me were the two little pieces of “filler” at the end. Okay, picture that you’re on the Columbia football team and you just won the Rose Bowl and it’s 1933 and for publicity purposes you are being tossed on a bus, and pulled off the bus in Hollywood and thrown into a big pile of BUSBY BERKELEY STARLETS. Oh, da humanity. Then they all dogpile ya, with their fancy clothes on.

The other piece of entertainment was quite amusing. It showed a very raffinee party during which Harry Warner (the composer of the musical – 42nd Street) sang and played, and a whole bunch of his ‘guests’ sang and played. It was like an MTV video that was a) black and white b) didn’t have seven billion jumpcuts per second and c) didn’t take itself really seriously. Oh, and the woman who sounds like Betty Boop….. so wonderful.

Pic is of the path behind the fOlks’ place.

cheerful disbelief

There’s this wonderful story called Obstinate Uncle Otis. In it he disbelieves a whole bunch of things and they all disappear. He finally disbelieves that he exists and Poof~!

Anyway, that’s about where I am right now. I am cheerfully disbelieving everything in the hope it will go away.

Katie is off at the non bf’s; her previous plans got the parental “You’re old enough to make your own decisions but wow you sound like you’re going to get deleted and then deleted in a truck with a couple of deleted” seal of disapproval. For reasons best known to herself Katie decided that these wonderful plans, which don’t sound worse for having the details omitted, were probably not advancing her long term best interests and decided to chill with her non bf instead, which all things considered constitutes a large improvement. I mean, I actually like the kid, and he has a JOB.

Paul was off at circle last night in Poco; he says it was wonderful as always; I was glad to hear it.

Anyway, if anybody has GOOD news, please let me know.

Have you been enjoying the onslaught of mooses? It’s amazing what you get when you imagegoogle weird moose. I am now wondering what other quaint critters I can find.

I light a candle for John and Jackie Knill who were confirmed dead in Thailand. They were friends of a friend of mine; she ran into them in a coffee shop the day they left. We must love each other while we can.

I light a candle for Unca Dave, who blew through town this week and I didna get to see him. I light a candle for Paul, who is not having a good time these days. And for Keith, who went to Karate even though his mouth was still really sore from the dentist.

i am a lamprey

Richardsoni in yer face
2005-02-25— Posted by: allegra

Its own mother will never love that face.

life forms
2005-02-25— Posted by: allegra

Dang nab it! I should always check my mail before I post. Jim P sent me this. This is a Morrison Creek Lamprey, an endangered species, and a very nice cat (either Darla or Nala, I can never remember which). Close up of sucker mouth next.

Buffy gone, Lister moved in

Buffy has now officially saved the world one last time, tossed down her dirty great axe, and she’s gone shopping; and Lister has moved in. Yup, thass right, Red Dwarf, all seven seasons PLUS the Smeg-ups, have moved into our house. Paul’s response to this was quite rhythmical, quite musical, quite unrepeatable, and caused Katie and me to double up laughing. The dreaded hopelessness of life that is about to descend on me – so I’ve been reliably informed – hasn’t happened yet. I’m starting to feel like that broad in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum – you know, when Hero says “For us, there will never be happiness,” to which Cute Snoggin’s response is “We must learn to be happy without it…”


Foregoing site is ‘the bastard spawn of Sam Peckinpah and Monty Python, channeled through a German safety video production company’. Believe me, ya don’t need to know German to appreciate it – like all good physical comedy, it’s universal. PS it’s PG 13 for grossly unrealistic depictions of decapitations, and other limb losing events. I will say that forklifts will never have the same cachet again.

Pain scale

I’ve just smoked a ball of opium – no pain (no conversation either, but oh well)

note to anyone reading this. I smoked opium precisely once, ten years ago, and while I’m glad I did it for archival and educational purposes I have no interest in doing that again because candidly it was about the best I ever felt, and we all know how that goes

usual amount of pain from joints which never goes away and sometimes moves up the scale



chest pain from humiliation or breakup <— mental, but it still fucking hurts

IBS flare up


gall bladder colic

broken shoulder

L5-S1 disc blowout

childbirth – LOTS OF PAIN


Steve Earle

Yikes Lexi I never paid for the Steve Earle (and the Dukes) ticket. But I will. Amazing concert. Just bloody amazing. Now that I’ve seen him live, I’m definitely a fan – and I nearly swooned when he pulled out a mandolin, although I remember thinking that I’d heard some mandolin on a Steve Earle tune before. No duh! Copperhead Road – there’s even mando tab on it when you google images for Copperhead Road. Considering that I felt like hammered scrap most of yesterday it’s startling how perky I felt when I left the Commodore last night. Then came home and chilled with Katie before I collapsed. Another gorgeous mornin’ – Paul will be home soon and I get the car, tra la la. Steve Earle characterized himself as a borderline Marxist! Hope ev’y’body has a good week.