front half May 2006

Zeus is Lord!
2006-05-15— Posted by: allegra

2006-05-14— Posted by: allegra

Marymere Falls
2006-05-14— Posted by: allegra

Taken May 11th.

Hall of Mosses, Hoh River Valley
2006-05-14— Posted by: allegra

Taken May 13th.

Why I can’t trust Paul with a camera
2006-05-14— Posted by: allegra

Taken on the way back from Marymere Falls on the 11th.

Why I can’t trust Paul with a camera
2006-05-14— Posted by: allegra

Taken on the way back from Marymere Falls on the 11th.

Off to Lake Crescent Lodge
2006-05-10— Posted by: allegra

So we’re going to the Olympic National Park in the US, a place I have very happy memories of (from when we still had the VW bus, and were still family camping) as we wound our way up the unbelievable road up to Hurricane Ridge.

I won’t be blogging unless I find an internet cafe between now and Sunday night – I’m not planning on blogging tomorrow morning as we are going to have to get out at a fairly early hour.

Another bunch of family videos arrived – I can hardly wait to see them but we’re a leedle pressed for time.

Pic is of where we’re staying – we’ll be in the Roosevelt Lodges. The whole place is a historic site. And the Sol Duc Hot Springs! And the rainforest! Happy sigh.

Keith refused the chance to guest blog, can you credit it. Hugs to all and I will have a full report for you if I get back before ten on Sunday………..

2006-05-10— Posted by: allegra

I process credit card transactions all day, and the expiry dates for credit cards seem to be moving closer all the time. I strongly suspect that while the banks are still issuing credit cards with the abandon of drunken film starlets, they are reining in the validity dates.

2006-05-10— Posted by: allegra

If you haven’t seen this terminally weird picture, check it out. I think the most disturbing thing about it is the expression on the guy’s face.

2006-05-10— Posted by: allegra

Katie has now seen her new boyfriend EVERY SINGLE DAY since she and Daxus broke up. Keith was Daxus’ checkout boy last night. The transaction occurred without incident, but Keith was mildly twinged and Katie was majorly pissed that Dax bought 4 CANS OF SPRAYPAINT (all black) so it looks like the tagging rampage will continue. It’s not as if Keith was going to hide this information from Katie, so I can only assume this was all quite deliberate on that poor boy’s part. I feel so sorry for him, now that he’s not making Katie’s life a living hell.

Keith has gone from being really stressed about his job to being quietly pleased about it, and he says he’s honing his observational skills. He says that he can already tell a lot about a family or a person by what goes in the cart.

2006-05-09— Posted by: allegra

She went to work at Microsoft, and all she got was this going away cake….

Resistance is futile.

I never post jokes but….
2006-05-09— Posted by: allegra

Two beggars are sitting side by side on a street in Rome.

One has a cross in front of him. The other one the Star of David.
Many people go by and look at both beggars, but only put money into
the hat of the beggar sitting behind the cross. A priest comes by, stops
and watches throngs of people giving money to the beggar behind the 
cross, but none give to the beggar behind the Star of David.

Finally, the priest goes over to the beggar behind the Star of David and says:
"My poor fellow, don't you understand? This is a Catholic country.
People aren't going to give you money if you sit there with a 'Star of David' in front of you,
especially when you're sitting beside a beggar who has a cross. 
In fact, they probably give to him just out of spite."

The beggar behind the 'Star of David' listened to the priest, turned 
to the other beggar with the cross and said:

"Moishe, look who's trying to teach the Goldstein brothers about marketing."

Ha ha
2006-05-08— Posted by: allegra

I have an instantiated Darth Vader head, and you don’t. It’s about 4.5 cm tall. I checked around to find out how much it costs to make, and including the electricity, it takes about 4 bucks to make this little puppy. I have no idea how much the machine costs to rent, but it really makes me happy, and now I don’t feel so bad about the Nefertiti head.

Yummy worms
2006-05-08— Posted by: allegra

DO NOT VISIT THIS SITE IF YOU ARE EATING. No kidding!!!! And be glad I didn’t post pix….

The Augean task
2006-05-08— Posted by: allegra

I should mention that the Augean task was the carpet vac’cing of the living room. Even the rinse water was matte black, mit lumpen.

I have written another song.

And it's we two chance met
and with you looking fine 
Maybe we should repair to this bar?
And he held up his hand and said, no, not until
the womenfolk know where we are.

For the women we love
are deserving of care
and they certainly merit a call
He said with a wink, don't let the price of a drink
Send your happy home life for a fall.

So I got to a phone and I begged her to come
and the strangest thing then did occur
She said off with you now, you go have some fun
thanks for letting us know where you were.

I said, US? with a frown, I could hear background noise
And she seemed far too blithe and in tune
She laughed, I'm with the wife of the man that you're with
and we have been drinking since noon.

My lips split with a grin, my heart easy and free
for I know how I'm spending my night
And I will not be troublin', for the Guinness in Dublin
To be home before dawn's golden light.

And it's we two chance met, and with us looking fine
as we sit at our ease at the bar
And drink toast after toast to the wise man who said
Let the womenfolk know where we are!

enough sleep
2006-05-07— Posted by: allegra

I was amused and shamefacedly pleased to learn that one of my songs has “excaped”. I emailed it (the version Gomi recorded with me back in 04) to Jessica D in MP3 format and the next thing I know, there’s about half a dozen teens in the lower mainland listening to it on their MP3 players. Some of them claim to really like it. Katie’s got her lower lip out because she’s part of the background chorus and she would much rather pretend that it never happened. Let us say that I would rather have my songs listened to than not, so the copyright implications don’t particular irk me.

So if you hear somebody you don’t know humming “Crazymaking Boy” you are not imagining things, and when the boys I wrote it for read this I hope they grin. “You are… my hero from a fable, my supper on the table, my ready, willing, able, my Crazymaking Boy.” Oh, and as I recollect, that’s one of the songs that Mick Fleetwood, in digital format, is laying down a drum track on. Ah, digitization. And if you ever hear that song, remember, that’s us singing, so it’s warts and all, no digital correction of our wandering voices. Happy sigh.

Now back to the salt mines. Katie’s buggered off for the second night running to her new boyfriend’s place and so I have no domestic help today except Keith, who, charming lad that he is, brought home the second to latest SIP (, and if you aren’t into comix, this is your chance….). But, charming lad that he is, he also has a Bad Toe, so I can’t really lean on him too hard for the Augean task Paul laid on me so casually on his way to work today. Keith’s working his first scheduled shift subsequent to training at 11 am on Monday. I am so pleased I could burst.

On the upside, if Katie doesn’t come home I don’t have to pay her her allowance. The dishes are starting to pile up. I really wish I could repeat what she said about her boyfriend yesterday during the 5 minute period she breezed through here, but it would not be suitable for a family blog.

And Paul, when he’s not ordering me around, continues to be marvellous.

I heart Zoidberg. (Futurama reference. Futurama is a Matt Groening cartoon.)

Slogging away
2006-05-07— Posted by: allegra

Peter down the alley, a charming and elderly gentleman of Italian ancestry, has offered us the use of his south facing garden. We dug out all the dandelions and will be turning the entire thing this week. Then, oh then, Lake Crescent. I can hardly wait. Oh. Just so you know, I won’t be blogging while I’m there as I won’t have access to the inertnets. So don’t expect to hear from me between the 11th and 14th of May…. I’m gonzo.

Red river piggies for my mOm
2006-05-05— Posted by: allegra

Have some piglets. Their forepigs came from Africa, and they like to swim.

2006-05-05— Posted by: allegra

One of the first things they made with the three D instantiator is A MINIATURE HEAD OF NEFERTITI. And PATRICIA GOT IT. I’d better get one of the Darth Vader heads they are whipping off right now Or I Will Be Choked! Rob of 9 even said, That will drive Allegra crazy, and he don’t know how right he is. mOm can you BELIEVE my life right now?

Quite by accident, I found out where the CEO is drinking beer tonight. Evil thoughts occur, even if it’s not my favourite pub.

All is calm and quiet on the domestic front. I’ve gone walking every morning this week since Tuesday, and I’m feeling a little more energetic. Keith cooked eggs in a basket for breakfast for Katie yesterday, and provided me with an HMM (Happy Mom Moment).

Paul continues to be extremely wonderful.

So does Dr. Filk, but BOY does he hate shaving. rrrr.

2006-05-05— Posted by: allegra

Porter Goss of the CIA is quitting because of allegations about hanging with hookers? Jumping Jack Flashman, his boss just said that he can break 750 laws while NOT breaking a sweat. Why should some bodily fluids perturb us?

a new kind of woman
2006-05-04— Posted by: allegra

So, this 3D modeller wandered into the building today, and you’d think a new kind of woman had turned up; I’ve never SEEEEEN so many geekulous balding heads hovering in wondrous anticipation. There were TEN GEEKS plus the technician hovered around this. I’ve never seen heterosexual men stand so close together. This critter turns out 3D models by spitting out coloured layers of plastic. Rob of 9 came down to lunch all spattered with an unbecoming amount of riotous pink paint. Yes, life is good in geekville.

enough sleep
2006-05-04— Posted by: allegra

Weird cloud
2006-05-04— Posted by: allegra

I saw this when I went walking this morning – a corkscrew cloud!

No surprise to security aficionados
2006-05-03— Posted by: allegra,,1766266,00.html

Hi Glenn.

2006-05-03— Posted by: allegra

Monday night, Slo-pitch Bluegrass at the ANZA Club; last night the opening Tuesday of the summer Jericho Beach Sailing Club folk night / open stage. All of the music was wonderful and entertaining and I really wished Brooke, Tom and Peggy could have been there.

I performed Lifeline and The Dreaded Tapioca Song.

I have now gone walking two mornings running; while far from being a commitment to better health it is a large number of steps in the right direction.

Daxus came to the house yesterday, was completely bizarre, gave some stuff to Katie, refused to pick up his own stuff, and left without incident.

His tag is “SHAME”, you may have seen it sprayed all over Metrotown, namely, SHAME loves KATIE; SHAME loves KATE. Etc. Keith says it’s all over the freaking place. He successfully completed another half shift at Stuperstore, by the way.

I picked up a sack full of garbage at the track at Cariboo High this am; the Burnaby Parks people opened the washroom at Paul’s request but only the Men’s washroom; which considering there is a unisex disabled can was a bit disconcerting. However, as my experience in San Francisco taught me, any public washroom is better than none, and I am thankful.

I gave a sermon a while back
2006-05-02— Posted by: allegra

Picture my surprise and happiness when I found it on the internet!! Just remember this is the single most complex and intellectually challenging sermon I ever gave, so it’s not exactly a bucket of laughs – although I tried.

The good old days
2006-05-02— Posted by: allegra

This is for Phil.

2006-05-01— Posted by: allegra

I just lost my entire post for this am. It was newsy and chatty. Sigh.

Breathe normally
2006-05-01— Posted by: allegra

I am finally feeling a bit better so it’s off to work.

Katie tried to drive her bf’s RC car under a moving vehicle yesterday, and only the Goddess who looks after cute teenaged girls prevented her from experiencing an expensive crackup. Crikey, I’ve had REAL cars that were worth less than that RC car.

Tom and Peggy fed us. There are many kinds of ministry. Dr. Filk sang an entirely new (to me) song about how cheesed off some people are when folksingers tell people to sing along. The lyrics are hysterical.

Keith traded a Colin Wilson novel for V for Vendetta (the real one, on a temp basis) and frankly I think Tom got the better part of the deal.

The walnut trunk is down. The whole frikkin house shook when it came down. I shouldn’t wonder if it didn’t break the sewer pipe right then. It’s really good walnut and Tom is pleasantly contemplating the furniture that it will be turned into.