
Mike, may he be praised and adored, has brought over a massage table.  Katie took pictures of my face ‘anging through the ‘ole.  She is still here, wonderfully enough, and we’re noshing on leftover pizza and fried rice I just made and there are two pieces of dynamite sushi left.

Sorry, must go – my country needs me.

Does anybody have any idea why an Argus was flying around Vancouver?

Kopper and I saw it on Saturday.  Freaked the hell out of me… watching a long remaindered aircraft, which your father hunted Russian subs in, flying around Vancouver is right up there on the weirdity scale.  UPDATE

Oh, it was an Aurora.  Okay, nothing to see here.

Snow and fog

There’s another FOUR INCHES on the ground up here.  You can barely see across the street. Tanya from work just called me on my cell to tell me it’s slippery as hell so I gotta burn ass out of here to work – she says nobody is even answering on switchboard, which sucks at 7:30 am.