New place

Look what we are going to beclose to.

Renfrew Pool (which has NUDE SWIMS) is .75 miles away, on 22nd.

There are FIFTEEN restaurants within half a mile.

There are EIGHT grocery stores, including a 7/11, within half a mile.

The nearest government liquor store is less than a mile away.

The nearest drugstore is less than a mile away.

The nearest fish market is less than half a mile away.

The nearest bakery is less than half a mile away.

The nearest meat store (halal, even) is less than a mile away.

The nearest Superstore is less than a mile away.

Closest dentist, less than half a mile.

Nearest doctor and medical lab, less than a mile away.

Tom’s Video is exactly a mile away.  There’s a lot of stuff in there you would probably never want to rent (mucho anime and bad kung fu movies) but there is a HUGE selection.

Happy Bats video is less than four miles away. 

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

4 thoughts on “New place”

  1. Congratulations all round! Amazing how much can happen in the space of about a year!! You are probably going to get a lot of exercise on your bicycle. AND …. Wow, you are so much farther ahead of Ottawa that I can’t even believe it — nude swimming in a public pool!! As if it weren’t great enough that you have Wreck Beach in Vancouver.

    I do hope your drug store delivers. I can’t remember how many times I was out in the middle of the night looking for an OPEN drug store when Jenn was growing up — I can tell you I didn’t find it within a one mile radius; SH*T I didn’t even find it in Kanata. I had to cab it too as there was no Can car and I didn’t have a car of my own. Glad those days are behind me for now, i.e. I still have a valid driver’s license.

  2. It’s less than a BLOCK to the nearest grow op. Or so I aver. But I won’t know for sure until I move in. Follow your nose!

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