Remember the time the Rover 2000 TC broke down

…. and we called a towtruck, and the towtruck got mired, and we had to call a towtruck to pull out the towtruck, and we missed Bugs Bunny?


Like that.

Ziva ran GREAT for about 30 seconds.  Then she lurched, shuddered, bucked and darted, quit and re-lit in a rather terrifying fashion. Prior to quitting on Highway 17, she was running great, quiet at idle and hella power.  I should have turned it around, but nope. The check engine light flashed on and off like a Christmas light and then I got home, practically in shock, and called the shop about 30 seconds before it closed, then called Paul.  He was flabbergasted that the shop had let it go twice with it being subpar, this not being his experience of the guys (three brothers) who run the place.  They will send out a towtruck tomorrow and drag it back.  The new datum is that if you pop the hood, the engine hisses like a legendary snake crossed with a mosquito – vacuum leaking somewhere.

Ah, Ziva.  How hard you make me fight for even a little kiss.  Fur and tires…..

I have other bits of news but I’ll just let it go at that right now.