Sundry and various

Tomorrow I take the car (which at the moment can only turn right) in a cunningly planned foray through New Westminster; then I’ll drop it off at the krankenhaus and with any luck, I’ll have a plated, functioning, air-cared vehicle – my first in my whole life. My dad gave me a car once, but due to a miscommunication Paul registered it in his own name, which I didn’t actually think was legal and squawked about like a sad old hen at the time.  So, technically, this will be the first car ever that’s registered in my own name.  I’m 51, and I’m an idiot for buying a car, but when the thing you hate most about your job is not the job but the commute by bus, a car seems like a necessity.  Also, ROAD TRIPS.  Also WRECK BEACH.  Also, going to the Island to visit relllies, and not just my parents.  Yes, I’m going to put major miles on that puppy this summer.

My mother is still slowly working her way through the ancestral diaries.  Henry Wake was a fascinating critter, and I’ll be really happy when all of his diaries are where I can easily peruse them.

Keith is over, and as soon as he’s finished with a boss fight in Arkham Asylum, we’re going to watch Deadwood (me for the nth time) and then I’m going to cook him a pork chomp dinner.  Jeff’s on the Island.

I’ve put the new song in Songwriter.  So I actually did something creative this weekend.  John would be pleased.

Sad news, glad news, old news.

It is my sad duty to report that Lexi’s father in law passed away yesterday.  He was an interesting and accomplished person, and I feel for Rob’s loss.  As Lexi said, maybe it was expected, but it was still very sad.  He died with his children around him; that would be of some comfort to the mourners, I know, from personal experience.

The glad news is that Dave Dowker is launching his book at This Ain’t The Rosedale Library on May 7th, which is definitely cause for celebration.  What an intelligent bunch of friends I have.

The old news is jokes from North Korea.  Strangely, most of these are recycled from Russia in the 30’s.

I’m staying home from church today.