One thing and another

Home = disaster.  I should probably spend the entire holiday weekend cleaning.

Work = interesting.  My boss came up to me after the town hall and said “You got it half right” (I had offered my predictions as to what would happen).  I have help now for the biggest project and I am fervently thankful for my team mates.

Personal life = large tub of anomie.  Church is over for the year but meetings continue (I missed one recently).  I have no significant other and no prospect of either meeting or converting one.  Unfortunately this has health implications and my health is definitely getting worse.  I could complain, but of course that’s a recipe for inviting suggestions, and I don’t want to do that either.  I am completely stalled on any of my projects, and while I can cheerfully and honestly say that I am not suicidal (because I’m not… I don’t think about it and I don’t consider it a fix for my problems) I am enervated and sad and wish I could lie on a beach for a week, which, alas, is not going to happen.  Besides, I have to clean my room, if only to find my fucking checkbook.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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