so proud

Katie got tired of the harassing phone calls so she changed her number. Now she doesn’t work or live where a certain young man can find her, and he can’t track her by phone.  Her mood these days would make anybody who loves her very happy to see.

Plus, beach yesterday.  Happy sigh.

White night

Watched Machete, at least up until the point Jessica Alba got onto a car roof in her spiky heels to address a crowd of Mexicans who would have mocked her with stones in real life.  Up until that point it was one of the bloodiest and campiest movies I ever saw.  Amazing cast.  Steven Seagal finally has a role that really used all of his greasy rotund menace.

Went to bed early, woke up at 2 couldn’t get back to sleep til 5 and then overslept until 7:30.  My head feels like it’s been run through a virtual cheesegrater and my right eye is marching to its own drummer, being most reluctant to work in phase with the other eye.  I’m alone on the phones all day, just to add to the bowl o’ joy.  So far it’s slow, so thank you customers.


Bush tits.  A bush tit made a spectacular kill of some small flying insect about 1.5 metres from my head.  Never saw the like for sheer exuberance.  Sat on a branch eying me while going om nom nom.

BLACKBERRIES.  Not the narsty imported Scottish ones, the amazing tiny local ones.  I can haz secrut stash.

Ant hills.  Accidentally kicked the top off one and for some reason the eggs were all just under the surface and ants BOILED UP out of the ground.  Picture Allegra screeching and jumping back.  Yeah.  Jeff’s smiling.

Skippers.  Woot!

Duly noted

Norwegian shooter-bomber steals large hunks of his manifesto from the Unabomber.

Catholic church argues that CC cannot be sued over priestly indiscretions (oops, child rape) because priests are not employees.  o.O

Watched, for the first time, When Harry Met Sally….

It was weird to have a weekend with no Keith in it – he was in Victoria.