Last day of vacation

Some people never get a vacation, so I guess I should be happy about that.  Today I will make no predictions about what I’ll do.

Heard from Carrie and got her new address.  She’s living on Haida Gwai the lucky woman.  I’ve never even visited there.

Paul is a day late getting back from Ontario, where he was hiking with Tish and Terry.  He said he had a marvellous time.

Keith was over and we Deadwooded for a while.

I asked Peggy the other day what else was going on in her life besides baby Greg and she laughed.

Here’s my latest facebook post (in the filker group):

While perusing a Latin English dictionary for another purpose, I discovered a word that would be perfect for a filkcon name: Concino. Means “to sing in chorus” “to play together” “to agree in saying” “to agree” “to sing together” “to celebrate” and “to prophesy”.

Then somebody asked me if I wanted to be conchair.  My response:

Take me now, Cthulhu! I couldn’t organize a bash at a brewery.