ten good things

Ten great things about my mother’s day. 1. Not calling my mother and not feeling guilty about it (after all I call her three times a week these days). 2. Katie calling to wish me a happy mother’s day. 3. Paul coming over and cooking me dinner and bringing Keith. 4. Still not drinking even though Paul brought some of my fave beer. I amazes me how little I miss it. 5. The weather. Let me tu…rn that up! THE WEATHER. 6. Practicing on the Octave Mando 7 Paul and Jeff putting up the awning in time for dinner. 8. Don Hauka’s amazing Mother’s Day Service. 9. Wonderful coming of age ceremony for one of the church youth; yes I know I’m sentimental but it made me cry. 10. On the third book of the Song of Ice and Fire – go Mother of Dragons, go!

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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