For a friend (from 80s)


Until it happens to you
ventures close to your life
the flash of the scalpel
is entertainment
you do not see the cost of survival.

shall I make jokes
call her an Amazon now
a soldier sworn to a particular battle?

shall I mourn because my friend
has been reduced
by her breast
by her hair?

the next time she sees me
none of this will show
I am a civilized person
given to mourning in private.


Various parcels of news

I will probably have to stay late tonight as Bertha quit.  (All the fridges have names.)  The fridge ifrit will be coming by to take a look at her.

Katie is getting all kinds of blood work done as she has suddenly and very nastily acquired Persistent Daily Headache.  If it really is that there’s nothing to be done, which has teh suck.  Now we find out that whatever the optometrist found in her eye last week is such a BHD that she now has to go to an appointment at 2:20 this afternoon as they called with a cancellation.  This is enough to freak both of us out, yech.

One more week of church!  I have to get the financial deets over to Bareld tonight.  I don’t know how easy that is going to be if I am in the shop minding the fridge ifrit.