Alex at three months

He looked like Katie the last time he was here; now he looks breathtakingly like Keith at that age, most especially when he has a look of concentration or is smiling.

He responds to music by turning his head to see what’s going on. Alex is delightful to perform for. We spent about half an hour ‘walking’ him back and forth between me and Katie. So strong.

I took him downstairs to commune with the Star Trek pinball game, and he swam around on his stomach on the glass, sometimes following the ball with tremendous concentration, other times just slapping the living shit out of the glass and drooling on it while making the usual gurgling cooing noises.

Man, he hates the stroller unless it’s moving; then he’s unconscious.

I have video of him but can’t find my camera cable.  It’s getting to the point I prefer using my camera phone, because it’s so instantaneous and hassle free.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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