10863 is the count

Anyhooverville, today is a walk to Planet Bachelor to feed Ayesha.

I have already rehearsed When I Go.  FUCK THAT SONG IS HARD sHE DID IT ON PURPOSE THE SLIPPERY jackanapes.  Dave Carter, who was a woman and died before she could come so. I perform on this mourning moon a keun-jeol for Dave Carter, but it’s kinda virtual, so please understand.

In the allowing myself to feel sad I can go back and write the isolation that is hounding all of my lead characters in various ways.  Will they ever be a krewe again and will it ever be the krewe it was before? The answer depends on what more of yourself you will bring this time.

Today’s affirmation: Organization makes the impossible possible.

It shows worms and flies chasing away a chicken, who is shall we say nonplussed.

Back to work, trying hard to make wordcount by noon.


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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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