current count 9714 plus miscellany

Sweetie and Michel are communing in Raven’s side yard.  Michel’s distributing new phones, or so he says.  What is his REAL purpose in coming, we wonders we wonders.

Once again Buster did not turn up for breakfast, and I surveyed the backyard around 7:30 am and said, “He’s got himself locked in a garage again.” He turned up like a bolt of lightning at 8:23… hm.

I am too old to go out and see live music and drink beer, except for this inner demon that says, NO UR NOT. Jeff administered a very light mocking, as well he should, when I scarcely ate or emerged from my room yesterday.  Hey, I lasted the whole show, but I paid for it.  And we transited, too, like responsible adulties.

Donated to Wikimedia so the next time you go to wikipedia don’t all thank me at once.  You might think about making a donation yerself, yanno.

Rubik’s Cube record now stands at 4.904 seconds, for those of you who deride the mad skillz of the new generation.  I never solved a Rubik’s Cube in my life, but I can appreciate the cognitive challenge from a distance sufficient enough that I don’t have to smell the room full of competitors.  It’s like listening to a Catholic choir, or admiring a mandala.

THIS IS VERY HOT, but extremely cool.

This is something I’m adding to my pile of YES SIRREE BOB my aliens CAN SO be rapidly vibrating stacks of subatomic flapjacks.  BEST PULL QUOTE Sebastiano Peotta “If our predictions are verified, common sense will suffer a big blow, but I am fine with that.” Of course my aliens use fermionic memory, since the carrying capacity is so ‘uge.

World’s easiest prediction – the more we get into superconductivity the weirder and weirder and weirder our understanding of subatomic particles will become.  At different scales, it will appear that the laws of physics are running backwards (they aren’t…. we need new laws.) As a epistemologically nihilistic anarchist libertarian feminist, I’m usually against passing new laws, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that physics is close to smashing itself against a very weird, inherently complex and potentially extremely profitable paradigm shift.  Or not.  I love making useless predictions.  It’s easy, I could do it all day.  Oh yeah, I’m trying to turn myself into a science fiction writer.  LA LALA LALA LA!  More research? More research!

Back to the salt mines.  Next stop George gets a grip.