
wrapup WarPup?  eh


Checkmate theme.

The history of So Round So Firm So Fully Packed.  1945. Lucky Strikes ad.  1947.  Merle Travis Hymns his Girlfriend’s Ass using that line.  Then other people do.  Then it ends up in a Warner Brother’s Cartoon.  Then it ends up in Elfquest.  God knows where it is now.

Nardwuar the Human Serviette had a stroke.  He is recovering in hospital here in Vancouver.

THERE WILL BE A NEW TINTIN MOVIE in 2016.  Jamie Bell and Andy Serkis are rumoured to be involved again, and Peter Jackson’s directing.

Harrison Ford being interviewed

I: So you wanted Han Solo to be killed off?

HF: Yeah

I: How did you want him to die?

Long pause, eyeroll.

HF: … Food poisoning.

Editor comment: Because that’s such a … dignified way to go to your reward. And at the very last, with his strength almost gone, he can flip a coin to the caregiver and mutter, sorry about the mess.

It’s a Dalek going like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Are you good at giving directions?  I am.  It’s all about word order.

And he may walk, the callous asshole.

word count 13832 – but I was editing instead of writing and that’s wut happens….


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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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