Brendan and Varisha are negotiating a deal for her to study Theo, currently living on her balcony.  Michel has just hauled Slider up a 14 story building at 30 kph.  Hydra is annoying everybody.  Hermes just quit his job as global telecommunicator; every Sixer either has a phone already or doesn’t care.

The Oldest is about ten thousand feet in the air, stuck in the middle of morphing into a space ship, and George is trying to tease the USAF into blowing him up although they’d much rather capture him for study.

The Eighteen (less Hydra) are trying to figure out how Sixer civil society will work going forward, which efforts are boring the living shit out of the old school Sixers, who would rather do something practical or entertaining.  After their first round of talks  they are going to scatter across BC to learn the indigenous languages.

Various religious and political dignitaries were invited to part of the talks, which took place on tribal territory; the hosts provided a little food but the Catholics, Mennonites and Sikhs all brought tons and everybody else either forgot or thought somebody else was taking care of it.  So it was a feast in spite of itself.