Day: October 15, 2016
No MMCo today OR tomorrow due to taking a break
I’m fixing it so my friend can have a retirement party and not clean up after it. I REGRET NOTHING.
Episode 49 is written and will be posted early in the morning on the 17th, so relax.
I very likely will be writing, but in case I get slammed on procrastinating on housework, always a possibility, I’d prefer to take a little break. The book is halfway complete. What will happen next? Will Jesse meet Kima? Will we ever see Michel and Kima interacting? When the hell is George coming back to enliven the party…. Why doesn’t he want to meet Raven? And who stabbed the nanny? Most of these questions will not be answered, but here’s the deal.
Yeah, you can. If you’re reading this you know how to contact me. Whajja want?