A perfect little monkey

Alex was so adorable at supper last night I nearly died. The baby at the next table said AHHHH and Alex, imitating tone, volume and duration of the AHHHH imitated the baby perfectly. He used chopsticks as a catapult for pho noodles. We were a happy family eating together and we walked there and back, so we got some exercise too. Then I went home and crashed. Paul came by at 10:30 and gave me a lift to work. I feel surrounded by love and light.

This morning Katie posts that Alex made poopy in the toidy today for the first time. Such are the joys of parenting, we take our jollies where we can. I messaged Katie to have her tell Alex I loved him and was proud of him and his response was HIGH FIVE oh god I love Katie’s perfect monkey.

Edith was repaired beautifully, very happy with Westcoast Guitars.

Busy shift.

Fanfic now totals 105K words.

I’m really happy, and now it’s time to sleep.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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