But I’m so desperate for more Firefly that I’m reading fanfic. Then I ran across this... and it made me laugh. And it’s got zombies in it!!!!!!!
Category: Exceeding strange
Once again, from the indefatigable Cousin Gerald. This conclusively demonstrates some of the hazards of construction in Newfoundland.
I think it was a giant squid
The Gr33ks, they are a crazy bunch
So there’s this bunch of retired academics and all round nutters who want to revive the worship of the ancient Gr33k gods. Okay, I’m jiggy with that. The Gr33k government is not cool with letting them run around millennial monuments with torches and pseudo high priestesses. Sounds about right so far. The Greek Orthodox Church, to which something like 97 percent of the modern Greek population is alleged to adhere, is really not okay with it at all. Okay, NOW I smell either an indie movie or a really hilarious docudrama.
Cate Blanchett as Bob Dylan
It’s official. My brain hurts. Kinda works, though.
A bilingual pun from an unfortunate town in Austria
Yet more Cthulhu swag
Hey pOp. Games for philosophers!
Okay, so now I’m in love with manatees.
More chimerical creatures here (including the manaphant).
But be warned some of the pix are disturbing.
The impact of Joss Whedon on Scientific Research
Photo Credit Rob of Nine
Here’s a real blast from the past: The Monkeesmobile!!!!
Survivor for real
Last chance for Bodyworld III
They are open 24/7 until the show closes January 14th at 9 pm.
Gunther von Hagens, the guy who invented the plastination process showcased at Bodyworld, is not a usual kind of guy. I didn’t know he was a hemophiliac. I think the fact that he wears a hat all the time is very cool. And he kept his first wife’s last name. If you go to his wikipedia.org entry, you will learn something about the storm of lawsuits that accompanies him and his work, and that is kinda cool too.