There’s a meme on twitter right now, #lessambitiousmovies

I came up with these in less than 25 minutes.

The Good, the Meh and the Ugly.

Tin Shotglass

Ben Hurt

Black Snake Groan

Tipping the Velveteen

12 Irritated Hipsters
The Most-Reposted Story Ever Told

Who’ll stop the Drizzle

St Elmo’s Zippo

Hay Dogs

Attack of the Shrew Men

The Scavenger Hunt for Red October

Weekday of the Dead

The King’s Off-the-cuff Remarks

Adequacy in the Grass

Cherubs in America

The Humming Detective

The Hills have Compound Eyes

The “Just Friends on Facebook” of Eddie Coyle
Concern and Mild Distaste in Reno

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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