This early rising business MUST stop. So I guess it’s time for a roundup.
Adult onset diabetes foreshadowing in rising level of 5 proteins. Link here.
Lots of lawsuits won’t necessarily help your case. Righthaven screwed up, but fair use rights have been protected.
A very commonly used contemporary chart about radiation exposure, which I only link to on the off chance one of my readers hasn’t seen it yet. Here.
The “serpent storm” on Saturn. via Nasa/Cassini.
The assault of the Repulsigans on women’s rights continues. Honestly, though, the “Harper Government” would do the same thing if they thought they could get away with it; fortunately the Bloc Québecois would have a collective seizure if they tried to pass something like this.
The assault of the Repulsigans against anybody who dislikes factory farming continues. In what universe is it illegal to take a picture of a farm? (link removed for security reasons).
From chipper, an ad for what she termed a ‘proofreader’s delight’.
Also from chipper, some lovely ‘supermoon’ pix from England.
I have no idea how church went yesterday, I was in the kitchen helping Peggy with coffee. Gave Carol a ride home and picked up some frozen fruit so I can make fruit toppings for pancakes a bit at a time.