Physio and other matters

I am enjoying physio, in that I enjoy greater range of motion with less pain when Luc is done with me, but I am hating being told I still can’t play a musical instrument.  Double Grr.

I am absolutely loathing and despising the cpap machine.  I did sleep with it for a couple of hours, so yay for some progress.

Spoke to Tammy this morning.  She is doing reasonably well.

Patricia was over the other day!  We had a lovely time chatting about TERFs vs Transwomen (and other stuff of course) and she helped me get my feet under me as far as where things are in the political geography of contemporary feminism and forwarded me some reading.  I fed her rosemary chicken chunks over salad with a side of sweet corn. Nommers.  Very glad to hear that there has been some progress in one of those troubling areas of life we don’t talk about to be respectful to people we love, that married life is still suiting her, and that her job hunt is going well.