Yoicks and tallyho

I am wiping my face from mirth. From my ancestor’s diary.



On April 10th I (ed this is the I-VII day marker instead of the pagan days of the week that Christian diarists use, not him saying “I”). Took leave of our relatives and friends at Banbury and started 3rd Class, Lydia and I 1 1/9 each from Banbury to Birkenhead. Paid for Perambulator as excess of Luggage 2/6 and nothing for either of the Children. When we reached Birkinhead about 8:10 PM, crossed over to Liverpool for 4 pence altogether and took up our abode for the night at J. McCarthy’s, Victoria Temperance Coffee House, Number 1 Queen Street. Had but little rest through the night from Bugs, etc.  Were glad to see the morning light.  Paid also 1/10 for Porterage at Liverpool.







What WAS the ‘etc.’? In context, it was probably kids barfing.  But imagine if you will, sticking your toe into the slipstream of history, and inventing a story. A murder mystery that takes place between the etc. and the Were glad to see the morning light.

Perhaps some of the antiques and books he collected were haunted.  That would be fun. His evening being interrupted by raising a demon or finding a alchemical map sewn into the binding would be interesting. Maybe a little too Warehouse 13 and The Librarians and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural and True Blood and I could probably think of others I’ve watched along that line.

Or he and his wife intervene in a dispute which does not concern them.

I bet if I thought about it very hard I could come up with a dozen different story ideas.