talking blues

when I look across the world as it is now I find

it’s no longer capitalism that draws my ire

It’s the complete and total death

of colonialism that I desire

this is a form of blues that was taken up by whites

called talking blues and as you can hear it isn’t rap

I could say that it’s a Victorian style recitative

but over a twelve bar blues bass line

who’s going to buy that crap

May I at this time point out that settlers really should not

imitate the folks who make the money

they earned the right to rap like that

and when we do it it just isn’t funny

or topical or edgy or forward facing or cool

it’s something called appropriation

holy shit that’s exactly like

what happened in the founding of our nation

(Millenium Falcon dying noise unavailable for copyright reasons)


without all the death of course


(Bass line starts up again)


when I look across the world as it is now I find

it’s no longer capitalism that draws my ire

It’s the complete and total death

of colonialism that I desire


so that long after your ancestors

stole all that land and wealth

you seize the speech of oppressed peoples

and hug it to yourself (and your coterie of cool friends)


Theft becomes a habit that is really hard to break

lift up, restore and sing resolve not denigrate and take


when I look across the world as it is now I find

it’s no longer capitalism that draws my ire

It’s the complete and total death

of colonialism that I desire


I’m white for what it’s worth and I’m telling you it’s our job

Our unpaid job, our emotional labour

to quit thinking the world’s a shithole

and we don’t need to take care of our neighbours

to quit spending all our social capital

on the golden fucking age of tv

to kiss farewell the tensile promise of me me me

on a geologic scale we know not many of us will likely make it through

but I hope that temporarily someone will and I’m hoping that it’s you

you the people who will seize the peace in whatever form it takes

and lead who’s left to a better world before physics hits the brakes


when I look across the world as it is now I find

it’s no longer capitalism that draws my ire

It’s the complete and total death

of colonialism that I desire








Ivanna Chisyuov

My most recent novels feature poor kids born in the nineties. The f word is part of their speech and isn’t worthy of comment. The aliens don’t curse, blaspheme or use gendered slurs, a deliberate choice by one of their more charismatic leaders that the others fall in line with.

Any reader who’s going to be offended at the f word is going to *hate* my novels anyway since they’re jam packed with SJW ‘lunacy’, out poly characters, Icelanders being represented as having the best democracy on Earth (arguable I know), the Canadian bureaucracy being represented as composed of timid racist self-serving morons, white and POC characters pushing back on casually racist speech, pagan theophany, and an alien pregnancy description that… oh well; we know everything about FEmales is disgusting. Also guns and ammo, gender non-conforming characters, summary justice for men who spike women’s drinks, and an awful lot of oolichan grease.

I was in fact setting out to write a trilogy that the Puppies would find so eye-wateringly offensive they’d do my publicity for me. I’m thinking of emailing a PDF to one of their clownbag kings and sitting back….

Woke up to a dream that my fave tv actor instagrammed a pic of himself in a hotel bathroom smoking a cigarette and bumping cocaine.

I literally go six months at a time without a memorable dream and then my psychic cleaning brigade tosses up this equivalent to cat puke.