Well do I remember John’s voice coming up the stairs, “Happy Crucifiction Day!” Yes, I misspelled it. Lady Miss Banjola warning, do not look at this baby bird. This kill it with fire baby bird.
I had a completely useless day at work yesterday. I felt like I had spring fever, Alzheimers and an incipient migraine all at the same time.
Keith and Kate were both over last night, and it was wonderful to have them around. Especially Katie; she’s having an unusual time adjusting to being Dax-free at the same time she’s still living with one of his family members. I know it can’t last, and so does she; but the problem is she’s in better shape and happier than she’s been since she was in her early teens, getting enough exercise and eating properly (she’s lost ten pounds she didn’t need and looks awesome). We watched Milk and it was awesome.