xmas free zone

I don’t imagine I’ll be able to avoid Christmas entirely, but I am hoping to keep it as Christmas free as possible this year. To that end, please be advised that I am not buying Christmas presents for anybody except my kids, my parents and my brother. I am not expecting or hoping for anything to come my way; unless the prezzie fairy feels like dumping a hot tub with all the trimmings into my back yard. World peace would be nice. And maybe a winning lottery ticket for my old man, so he can spend his twilight years on top of the largest pile of tech toys in history.

My coworker Mr. G. said that he was at an athletic tournament in Alaska just before Xmas one year, and as he’s relaxing in the motel, Santa came on TV advertising a Beretta – on special for Xmas. You have to admit it’s quite the image. There’s more than one way to punish naughty children…. Lump of coal, my fundament!!!

hard to see but

Believe it or not, at the very centre of this picture is the flare of a tiny meteorite striking earth. The superheated tube of air that attends such a strike is also very faintly seen. Wayne Pryde of the Northern Territories in Australia took this picture while taking time lapse photos of clouds building up.

Please do not repost without attribution.

I know it may not be very exciting for YOU but I sure thought it was keen; picked it up from Fark today.

If you can believe it ALL FOUR OF US went to the pool last night. I lifted weights and swam (briefly); mostly I soaked in the swirlpool and lazed around in the kiddy pool and watched kiddies, trying to remember that it was actually likely that I had once had that much energy and sense of fun. I wasn’t planning on lifting weights but Katie threatened to stay home if I didn’t, so I kind of had to.

Had a wonderful dream last night but can’t remember much of it, just remember feeling cheerful from it when I woke up.

Just got Katie up – it’s ridiculously early but she had to have a shower.

A breaker blew this morning in the house, but Paul spoke to the misbehaving portions of the electrical system and it all seems to be working now.

hymn hymn

Last night by a heroic effort of will I avoided playing on the computer all night and instead picked up the hymn book (Singing the Living Tradition, which is excellent) and worked my way through it. I noted Hymn 79, which was written by Ralph Waldo Emerson with music by John Steffy. The title is No Number Tallies Nature Up, and it’s all about the profusion of nature and how it is endlessly recycling things. The really hilarious thing about the song is that the word “satellites” is mentioned TWICE. Now being a poet (which is not always a disadvantage, I must admit) I reviewed the lyrics and started grinning to myself, because the reason he used the word satellites is because planets wouldn’t scan. Then I looked at at the music (which I can’t read) and decided it looked Yucky, so I rewrote it. Then I picked up the phone and called my mother and sang it to her. As I was finishing John wandered through so I sang it again. He liked it. Then I sang him 324, Where my free spirit onward leads (that one is by Alicia Carpenter (with a folk tune arranged by Ralph Vaughn Williams), whose lyrics I really like). The last line is so lovely and so sad, “A human life when truly seen, is briefer than a kiss.” He said, and I agree, that there’s a lot of gold in that hymnbook. I have about ten more minutes and then out the door to work. Sigh.

Almost 5 million people got AIDS last year. How high a price the innocent pay for ignorance.

Yasser is sleeping fine

Well, let’s see. I think shingles would be more fun than the four days off I just had – at least I’d get some sympathy. I only have one more week to open church, and then one more week after that to give a sermon, and then I’m off to my new life.

I see David Granirer is giving a workshop, and I will have to follow up on that. Starts on 12th night, which is one of my favourite dates of the year, for some reason (me and my magical thinking). This is part II of the stand up comedy course I took 5 bloody years ago.

Yasser Arafat was NOT poisoned. I have heard it said that he choked on his own venom, but that doesn’t really amount to the same thing.

I’m taking a cab to work this morning, the idea of hauling everything back to the office after the trip to WA makes me feel irritable. Mind you everything makes me feel irritable. Even when I do get enough sleep. Well, it’s back to work and glad I am to have the work to do and the great place to do it in and the great people to do it with and for.

No pictures today, I didn’t feel like sorting through the mess.

free range rant

So what DID Arafat die of? There seems to be a little bit of a tussle over his medical records. I am not entirely sure what purpose would be served by finding out that he had been sent to his maker via poison, or whether he just had some weird ailment. Of course it’s entirely possible that the Israelis came up with some subtle and technically primo method of killing him, but it’s also entirely possible that somebody in his entourage fed him something nasty. Nobody seems to want to believe that he just up and croaked, and seeing as how it’s not entirely clear when he died, and that the medical authorities charged with his care have maintained a discrete and somehow ominous silence, I imagine it will still be a matter of dispute many years from now. They sure buried him in a hurry, just like John Paul I.

I am listening to the comfortable clatter of somebody ELSE doing the dishes, which considering I cooked (Keith mashed potatoes and grated cheese) Roast Beast, spuds, carrots, corn, cauliflower with cheese sauce, gravy, and brussel sprouts for Katie’s birthday dinner, is a good thing.

Katie went out briefly after dinner and is now home and ensconced in her room with her girlfriend Samantha. It’s all very peaceful and domestic.

Keith and John spent the day at the Kung Fu / Tai Mantis tournament in Richmond. They volunteered for various activities and so didn’t have to pay admission. They came home rhapsodizing, and Keith just about slew me by saying, with a straight face, Those cats really WERE fast as lightning, which is pretty funny considering he wasn’t even an idea when that horrible song came out. The grace, the skill, the speed, the athleticism. Sounds like they had a gas. Keith is very happy I advocated for him to go, because had I not, he would have been stuck here all day in the middle of what was essentially an extended remix of a domestic argument. (Don’t ask and I won’t tell). We did take a break in the middle of the day to commit shopping, and frankly I’m glad I roasted beast, because going to the Keg would have set us back about $120, and the roast was only $20. Katie did have a hankering for slabs of cow. And we had leftovers! It was a bizarre thing – her friends dropped by and WATCHED US EAT despite numerous pleas to join us (I had actually been expecting them to eat with us and they didn’t.) O well, anybody who’d rather go into New Westminster for pizza – that’s the mentality we’re dealing with. I will never understand teenagers as long as I live, and I was one. Katie has been witching all day about how “she doesn’t feel older”. Jumping Jimmy Christmas, girl, I feel old enough for both of us.

Just got the latest Frank, and it’s a CORKER. The exchange of letters between Roger Ebert and Conrad Black is expletive amazing, and I must report that Roger did get the last word, and managed to skin Conrad alive in the course of the letter. Very very funny, and of course you can hear the voices of the gentlemen in your mind as you are reading it, which adds to the enjoyment.

Talked to Tish and Tammy today in separate phone calls (obviously). I really wish I could give Tammy a hug, she’s having a rough time. And I wish I could scold a certain somebody, but that would be verbally abusive. Tish seems to be doing great, except everybody in her household is experiencing a mammoth cold. Tish’s youngest and my youngest were born on the same day, so we tend to communicate/commiserate about this time each year.

Picture is something at random.

sweeet sixteen

Katie is sixteen!!! We all sat around last night and watched Shrek, which was lots of fun, and then I read the kids the “breathing” meditation. It’s amazing how I’ve known Katie rather well for sixteen years and never knew that she has no visualization ability. There are about thirty different visualization exercises in the meditation and Keith was able to do all of them without any difficulty and Katie could do about three. She could visualize being a bird, and being able to exhale fire and dry up the whole ocean, but everything else it was just a case of listen to the words.

Paul found the meditation exceedingly hard work. I’m going to have to have somebody read it to me at some point, because I think it would be very interesting.

One of the people I respect the most at church is having health problems and I am lighting a candle for him.

Since there has been a tremendous dearth of cute animal pictures on my site, here is a baby rhino. Attribution is on the side of the picture.

birthday whatevs

Right now we’re arguing about what to do for Katie’s birthday. Do we want to see a movie? Eat slabs of dead cow? The horror, the horror. And I already got her a camera months ago so she’s not getting a Big Ticket Item. Hm. I didn’t get MY big ticket item for my birthday. Screw it, I’m buying an MP3 player. No, I should buy “durable kitchen ware”. Cleaning solution? Buckets of smack? I can’t even talk about what happened to me at the border coming back from Arlington because a) no one would believe me and b) I’d lose my job if they did. (2019 says I HAVE NO RECOLLECTION WHATSOEVER OF THIS EVENT) Life goes on in endless song above earth’s lamentation. Or some such. Hints at loose association for sure.  This morning I decided to read a meditation to Paul about breathing. It freaked him out. (You imagine breathing in and out tiny lions and firecrackers, among other things.) It’s out of a book called “Conceptual Blockbusters” which I highly recommend if you’re stuck anyplace (except in your car, although you could put the book under your back tire for traction, or better yet shred it) in your life. There are many fine suggestions and illustrations. Some of it is quite funny. Humor, as we all know (properly spelled humour) (as we all know) is key to problem solving. Although laughing at the guy with a gun in his hand is probably not a good idea. Has anyone else seen the picture of Bush and Clinton getting close while going through a door at the Clinton Library opening? I’m glad he’s taking the job of making fun of him onto himself, it’s easier that way. I’d post it but anybody can see it on Wonkette and I’m too lazy to post the attribution.

Deep breath. So my youngest child is 16 tomorrow. I could go at great length about how my little girl is all growed up etc etc but I will just breathe a thankful sigh that we’re all still alive after the crazyassed year we’ve been through. Off to the Parole officer today. Katie wrote a stupendous essay about why whacking people is a bad idea (whack as in ‘strike’ not as in ‘eliminate with a revolver’) and what she plans to do in future when people are talking like idiots in her vicinity. I was very pleased and I hope Natalie the Parole officer is happy with it too. Katie likes her.

If I won a lottery I’d pay off my mortgage, buy Beacon a building and go travelling to Bruges, land of beer and chocolate. I’d probably croak with a big dark beer in my hand and melted chocolate on my hands and mouth, but I’d be happy. Put my kids into university? Why, don’t they have to GRADUATE first?

My coworker in the States showed me a can of stuff that’s supposed to be for arthritis called “JOINT JUICE”, begging the question, “What the farce is in it?”

I have all kinds of plans of what I want to do today and of course Paul is making life difficult for me. He wants me to do this thing called work. This is my day off and if I want to sit at the computer all day it’s my right. Okay okay, I’m out of here. This line deleted because it’s verbally abusive. This one too. Okay, I’m cutting this line. Out with this line, obviously we’re raising the ante here. Bye all.

Rumsfeld did NOT resign

Not much to report. Paul shocked me silly by insisting that he had heard Rumsfeld had resigned. What ? and Wonkette slept through it? Don’t think so. So I googled it and all I could find was satire sites, all dreamily spoofing that he had resigned subsequent to watching Liar Liar with his grandson.

I had to tell him it was Powell who had resigned. Why couldn’t Condi have gone to be the Football Commish. That would have rocked!

I hear Kim Jong Il, in direct response to Team America, has started taking his pictures down in Korea and is no longer insisting on being referred to as the Dear Leader. Glad to hear that being savagely parodied by guys who went to school in Colorado, around the corner from Columbine, as it were, had such a salutory effect on him.

Just think about it, she said dreamily. Some people respond to life’s terrors by writing skits. Some blow things up real good. All depends on where you get your ammo, I suppose.

Hear that Russia is doing the arms build up thing. Had to rub my eyes twice when I saw that. You have to admit that the Russian mafia are definitely opportunists. Everybody knows the Russian mafia are running the country. They say they want mobile warheads, and they will get them. And drive them into downtown Essen and say Kindly Cough Up a Large Sum of Cash and we won’t nuke your town. No hard feelings about the Eastern Front though, this is strictly business. And Kursk? A tragedy, but now we want some money. Screw the terrorists… they want piddly things like uh, what you say, self-determination, to have the foot of the oppressor removed from their necks. Why not shoot to the top of the global food chain? If you have a nuke, who is going to put anything on your neck but flowers? Worked for the Americans in Iraq jim dandy.

I wonder if any of my farm relatives on the prairies will take me in when the balloon goes up. Better start getting in shape now. Farm work is hard work.

hippo birdy to me

Managed to change rooms at the hotel, thank heavens, as the previous room had a permanent running water sound going right next to the headboard and the fridge ran non stop (empty fridges do). And the shower head came off in my hand.

By the command of my grandboss, I ate at Tokyo House last night. Excellent sushi (cut too thin by Vancouver standards) and the Kirin was FRESH. I don’t know where people get the idea that things are cheaper in the US; the tab came to quite a bit more than the equivalent meal would have cost in Vancouver. But the best part was the music. I have never been in a Japanese restaurant that played an acid jazz version of Dear Prudence. I remember thinking, hey I recognize that and then cudgeling my brains for about a minute trying to remember exactly which song it was. They also played Exchange, unless my ears cheated me, but a song I didn’t recognize, and mellow Ibizan club music. Never heard a mix like that before.

Next door is the Reader’s Choice bookstore, which is run by a simply wonderful woman. There were about a hundred books I wanted to buy, but I bought two six packs of American beer instead. Was tempted to buy the Hawaiian beer – I mean really, just for the novelty – but I went for decent local brews. Washington is home to some simply excellent brews, so I am looking forward to demolishing them in company later.

Yesterday colleague Al stood me and a couple of others to lunch, and the picture above is from that.

Just to round off my birthday, there was a documentary about the man I love to hate, Charles Ng, (and Leonard Lake). I have mentioned him in earlier blogs. I remember reading about him when I was a young and impressionable woman, and thinking, you know, if somebody handed me a gun and told me to execute him, I wouldn’t hate myself in the morning. I can’t say that about too many people. In fact, off the top of my head, I can’t think of anybody else… although I am sure I’ll hear suggestions now.

No, I don’t want to hurt any political figures, including the POTUS, for two reasons. He just pardoned a turkey and Dick Cheney scares me worse.

road trip to Arlington

Greetings from the road. Ate at Obergs again – the finest dead cow west of Edmonton, in my experience, apart from what I make myself. Musical evening very fine but sparsely attended. Tom didn’t bring his six string Larrivee, curses, but Mike brought *his* so my nose got back on my face. Tori unable to attend due to school requirements. Curses. Rev Katie was there and unlimbered some lovely tunes, including ones I’d never heard before, and her wonderful autoharp which was IN TUNE o ye of little faith. I am glad her hockey game wasn’t happening that night or we’d have missed her. Yes, Rev Katie plays hockey. I can barely skate forwards and bruise if you breathe on me, so I am impressed.

Work was unholy today. Very hard to run a department on a 2/5ths complement of folks. Interesting accident that I was able to be there. Just don’t tell the border guards what I’m doing… I got a ten minute cross exam this morning, but when I pleaded a heart felt “I don’t know what the hell they want me there for sir” he let me go without looking at either my ID or my letter. Today, folks, I unpacked a little of that invisible knapsack of privilege. I guess it made a change for him from hassling coloured folks.

I shouldn’t talk about work. Had a LONG talk with one of the techs about the state of the universe, and I have to say I’m prejudiced…. I always think people are more intelligent when they agree with me, and vice versa. It doesn’t hurt if they are cute, too. Did I say that? I haven’t even been drinking!

The best part of the trip is the guilty pleasure of watching hotel TV. I come away from road trips absolutely flabbergasted at how amazingly stupid television is. I mean, I own a television and all, but I don’t have cable and at this rate never will. My daughter hates me for that, but in later times she’ll thank me for it. Tried calling home and got the answering machine. I know Keith’s at Karate, and I suppose I could call Katie on her cell; unless I miss my guess Paul is swimming and John is elsewhere, maybe at club. Sniff, my empty house.

Rental car is a Toyota Matrix. I really like the dash and the comfort level, but Jumping Jimmy Christmas, it’s like lashing a slug to make the slanty pedal achieve anything. This is counterweighed by BRUTAL BRAKES. I damned near snapped my head off its stalk the first time I applied the brakes coming out of the parking lot at Budget. Drive down was brutal as well, rain and truck backwash making the I5 an unpleasant bit of road. Seeing as how for all the other trips I’ve ever taken down here the weather has always been wonderful, I can’t complain. I just edited out a rather hilarious typo.

I’m here for another two days and then a couple of days off.

Brother J gets revenge and 2019 is pissed

A cautionary tale from my erstwhile colleague…. don’t mess with the man! It never would have occurred to me, but this seems only fair….

As you may know a few months ago my wife wife’s purse was stolen at a restaurant. Well, in the purse was my cell phone. Thank God that the purse only had $15 and my cell phone. Although, (I did take the precaution of replacing) the locks on my house and car. In the 20 minutes before I cancelled the phone, the thief called 14 people. Now he was a great thief in the fact he/she could lift a purse in a busy restaurant without anyone noticing, but he/she should know never to make an outbound call on a stolen phone. When I got my bill, I recorded the numbers he/she called. Using the internet, I found the name associated with many of the numbers called. The police did not care. (editors note … dja figure?) So— I knew that a call from a pay phone from the transit stop shows up on call display as Ottawa Transit. The plan was to call the numbers stating that I worked for transit and that we found a notebook with the list of names and numbers— Well seemed good, but everyone I called only seemed to speak Spanish—My plan failed— Then I looked at one of the calls to the Northern US. The lady seem older, perhaps mother or aunt. Now what were chances that crime runs in the family? (Editor’s note… dja figure) I called US INS. They have been looking for the family for 2 yrs to deport for theft etc—I may never find who stole my phone but I got their mother (or aunt) deported.


So anyway, from the perspective of 2019 I find this story horrifying, but I’m leaving it here as a reminder that I am a work in progress and it’s my duty not to hide my darkness. I would never laugh at this story now. I would probably say nothing or remonstrate with J. And I never mentioned it in my blog but he was married at the time – still is as far as I know – to an Indigenous woman so there’s a whole extra layer of wtf for you.

questions for movie watching



Anyway, the movie night was good and the pizza (crafted by Keith and myself) was perfectly edible, and then we read the names of the dead at the school and lit candles for them. Then we ran outside in the rain and we let off fireworks.

Just so you know, if anybody ever made me the benevolent dictator of Canada, I would promptly increase the fireworks budget by 300%. I am a very fond of the sweet smoky metal smell of fireworks. Snort…. Ah!

2019 says I take this all back, because fireworks scare pets and wildlife, start wildfires and are toxic as fuck.

Discussion questions about Bowling for Columbine.

November 13, 2004

1. How would you go about researching whether the statistics that Michael Moore quotes in the movie about gun deaths in various countries are true?

2. If you were going to make a movie about a social problem in Canada, what subject would you pick?

3. Michael Moore does his best to make some very famous media personalities look stupid. Why did he do this and what did he accomplish?

4. There have been a couple of school shootings in Canada in the last thirty years. Look up the details for the most recent one on the internet (Canadian school shootings for the search criteria) and see if you can draw any parallels and differences between what happened in Littleton CO and Taber AB.

5. Do you think Michael Moore is right when he points to racism and gun availability as being the biggest factors in the ongoing American love affair with guns, or do you think he missed some other possibilities?

6. Why is the interview portion with Marilyn Manson so powerful? What makes Marilyn such a credible witness to the media circus that followed the shootings?

More advanced questions about Canada and guns.

7. All the guns and ammunition used in the tragedy at Columbine were legally purchased, although the two boys were not legally allowed to carry the guns. Research what you would have to do in Canada to legally purchase the guns involved. Be prepared to fill out a LOT of forms. Oh, and DON’T tell the investigator that you just broke up with your s.o.

8. Most Canadians have never even seen a handgun up close, let alone fired one. Do you have any interest in firearms? Would you want to go to a shooting range? If so, why?

9. Canada is having a very hard time with a gun registry law that was passed but not very well implemented. It cost a stupendous amount of money and has had the effect of criminalizing a lot of Canadian gun owners, including people I know. Educate yourself about the gun registration law. Americans point to our restrictive gun laws as a sign Canadians don’t understand liberty. How would you respond to this?