Lovely seeing kids

Saw Katie yesterday for breakfast and a mini ship, and Keith wandered by later. I hope very much to see Alex later. Mike’s dropping by around 5 – I don’t know whether we’re heading out for dinner or hanging out here or what.

I keep trying to post pics from the camera but it appears something isn’t working quite right. I’m still working on it.

First pass edit of HS is now complete. A re-ordering of the chapters and some new material is required for completion, but I am sanguine I should have this done sometime in the next two months.

I am quite energized… it feels like November, my most productive month creatively, has come early.



He’s a three year old cat that lives five minutes from here and his current humans want to swap him. They cite the following reasons: He wants to be AOUTSAIDE NAOW. all the time. They keep having to herd him back into the house. He is jealous of the new baby.  Bounce never was (OH A NEW NAP TIME COMPANION SNORE) but some cats hate the not having all the skritches.

Please note the Greek name. mOm…. you are noting, are you not? A good omen. I won’t post pictures yet. He’s black and white with green eyes. Not the best looking cat but Margot wasn’t a cover girl either.

Jeff and I will go acquaint ourselves with him on Monday. We have a list of questions.

Also, I have a phone interview for a job very similar to the last ‘good’ job I had on Monday. I am not convinced I’ll even be called in for a physical interview so I remain undisturbed and will likely start that other job in November just like expected. I will get out my resume and prep though, it’s a chance.

Reach for the Sky

watched it with Paul and Jeff.. so dated but also in some ways very fresh. Kenneth More is such a cutie SUCH A BRITISH PUNIM ma lord.

Walked down at the Quay today and I’ll tell you I was much cheered to see a Global Artisanal Chocolate pop up store in there. There was this 72 percent cacao dark chocolate and they’re claiming the cocao pods are hauled down a mountain on muleback. It is UNUSUALLY GOOD. They tell you to suck and not to chew, and it was a lot like a religious experience. I got a milk chocolate bar and hopefully the last bar is hidden. I could have spent that much on steak, Calice


feeling better

2800 words of fanfic, very sweet and slow… set in Vancouver, just for a change.

Also continuing to edit HS. Work progresses on that as well! two chapters today already.

I wonder if Alex will be well enough to go to his first swimming lesson tomorrow! I hope to attend and take video like the doting old bat I am. Both of the kids have been so sweet to me, I’m filled with happiness just thinking about them. Also, four days in a row of fantastic air quality and son of a bitch I feel like a human being again, quelle surprise.

boring food

treating my liver right means not eating interesting food so I’m feeling kinda low

I really want to complain about how sad I am about stuff that I can’t control and probably has nothing to do with me, but I’m going to be an adult and mention an accomplishment instead: that SOTW editing has been handed over to Jeff. On to Hair Sinister (I didn’t give myself a break, went straight into editing.)

I hope to see Alex today.

It was absolutely lovely seeing the kids for breakfast yesterday (I had something reasonably healthy sigh), even if I had to start off by re-apologizing to Keith for thinking the worst when his new phone disconnected a call. (I picked up Paul’s call while he was driving, the call disconnected; on my end it sounded like Keith heard my voice and then hung up in disgust WHICH IS NOT WHAT HAPPENED.)  moving right along.

Today I pay bills and do laundry and thank our Blessed Elder God that I didn’t have to travel to Swartz Bay on a Friday when 4 ferries were cancelled.




Lovely to visit the fOlks – finally handed off something almost like a final version of SOTW to mOm so she can print it out. Alex was really active and for the most part (brief morning snuggles o joy) pretty good tempered. He doesn’t possess his soul in patience when we’re in the ferry lineup though.


Loading delay because somebody forgot to go back to their vehicle ↓ downvote.

Alex sure loves the Cars franchise.  He’s shown here blurred because he basically never stops moving, and that’s actually someone else’s Paw Patrol toy.


deer plus Alex plus Katie at Majestic Park

another hot and stinky day

AQI is 157 and it’s supposed to be 29 degrees today. Walked at Lougheed Mall yesterday with Paul; the food court’s gone, the only resto food left in the joint is the non-grill DQ on the downstairs level. Fortunately Cobb’s was still there, picked up some high fibre bread.

working away on fanfic and trying to stay indoors – it’s not great out there — Seattle is a little worse — ferry terminal at Departure Bay is the smokiest place in BC right now. Lapwai Idaho is currently running at a 500 AQI.


ha ha

just found out that one of my relatives almost killed one of my inlaws because they were wearing all black and riding a bicycle at night with no reflectors
Imagine tryne to explain all that at the funeral…. waaallll funny story

I just got my first fic rec on Twitter.  I’ve been posting fics for two years now and once I start getting recs my stats will get better.

doc wants to see me about my blood test results I go in tomorrow for 1:30


Katie, Keith, Jeff and I ate at IHOP yesterday morning, it was absolutely lovely.

Paul has been very busy looking after Janice after eye surgery and he also ran the field last weekend so that’s why he’s dropped off the face of the earth.

Still haven’t had the bloodwork done, I will definitely do that today if the clinic is open. (nope has to be tomorrow)

Wrote 1500 words yesterday mostly a (hopefully) amusing series of text conversations between the protagonists.

Air quality is horrific. They’re saying it may climb past 400 tomorrow and I get itchy and doom laden and crusty at 60 so it’s gonna suck.

Spent a good chunk of yesterday helping Katie adult (buy tires and get them installed) and it was so GOOD to hang out with her.