(moderate calypso beat) If comfort food is what you crave
(mmmm tapioca)
Don’t cook tapioca in the microwave
(nooo tapioca)
My husband said “You’re crazy, I’m not eating that!” (no tapioca in the microwave)
“It could not be eaten by a starving rat!” (no tapioca in the microwave)
Tapioca, tapi-o-ca; no tapioca in the microwave x 2
Pulled it from the pot, it made a scary sound
(no tapioca in the microwave)
Bounced twice when I dropped it on the ground
(no tapioca in the microwave)
Tapioca, make you choke-a; no tapioca in the microwave x 2
Now double boilers may seem like a grandma thing
(no tapioca in the microwave)
Harder than waiting for the bell to ping
(no tapioca in the microwave)
I’ll call NASA with a great big smile
(no tapioca in the microwave)
I’ve got a solution for those thermal tiles (no tapioca in the microwave)
Tapioca, tapi-o-ca; no tapioca in the microwave x 4
2019 sez check out all the changes! took ‘crazy out’ and tightened all the verbiage for singability