Steve Earle

Yikes Lexi I never paid for the Steve Earle (and the Dukes) ticket. But I will. Amazing concert. Just bloody amazing. Now that I’ve seen him live, I’m definitely a fan – and I nearly swooned when he pulled out a mandolin, although I remember thinking that I’d heard some mandolin on a Steve Earle tune before. No duh! Copperhead Road – there’s even mando tab on it when you google images for Copperhead Road. Considering that I felt like hammered scrap most of yesterday it’s startling how perky I felt when I left the Commodore last night. Then came home and chilled with Katie before I collapsed. Another gorgeous mornin’ – Paul will be home soon and I get the car, tra la la. Steve Earle characterized himself as a borderline Marxist! Hope ev’y’body has a good week.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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