Being: A stop motion cardboard box race taking place in a university library.
Being: A brief, briefly surreal ad about why you should adopt a dog.
Being: An ad for ‘anti-gravity boots’. Accurate if the ‘anti-gravity’ involved is how people will smirk when they see you wearing these…
Being: A man sets up a neighborhood speed trap with a hair dryer, and records the results. I should have seen the punch line coming.
Being: Further proof that a picture is worth a thousand words. You don’t need to speak German to ‘get’ this site.
Being: Johann Lipowicz deconstructing a Paul Young song in mime. A lot funnier than it sounds, especially around 3:09.
Being: How Australians deal with stupid tourist questions with joie de vivre.
Door #7 is the same questions with a couple of particulars changed that have been being asked of Canadian tourist centres lo these many years. Last attributation I read was to BC Tourism. Looks like we’ve been lifted.