wacky roundup

Is everybody going to have more panic attacks as atmospheric CO2 rises?

I think this guy is brilliant.

You’ve gotta be kidding.  Nope, not kidding.  I AM IN THE WRONG FRACKING BUSINESS.

In time for Christmas, a recipe for butterbeer.

It all makes sense now that I know I have a neurological problem. Actually I don’t have a neurological problem big enough to attract the attention of a doctor.  I went to the neurologist, described my symptoms and got told, “You have atypical migraines.  If you don’t want drugs I can’t do anything.  Next please.”  Then I found out I can rid of my migraines by THINKING HAPPY THOUGHTS which is the stupidest thing I ever heard of, except that it works.  Whoda thunkit?

Where one of the stickiest memes in history came from!

I am exactly the same age as Marg Helgenberger. I love her in CSI – her combination of observation and street smarts, and her ability to stay focussed while being sexually harassed by a dwarf… what an actor.

Hell of a way to find a new species of lizard.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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