Render true felicity

I am pleased as punch to announce the upcoming nuptials of Doug and Elly.  They will marry next August in Toronto, which gives me almost long enough to make or find or buy the gift of such suitability and robustness that it will be a thing of daily wear for the rest of their married life.

Their many kindnesses to me and my extended family are in my mind right now, with a feeling about growth and happiness as a lifetime gig.  I’m filled with a burnished contentment.

Fat acceptance quote

Livejournal has some GREAT stuff in there this morning.  This passed along by way of rocket genius Peter Alway….

“People really, truly believe that it is not only acceptable, but right to treat fat people with disdain. I’m sad to say that I’ve been inculcated with enough societal garbage that I occasionally hate my own body—but as a thin (white, able-bodied, etc.) person I cannot fathom what it must be like to have others take it upon themselves to hate my body for me. As I’ve said before, if you think fat people have no self-discipline, consider the fact that they haven’t killed you yet.”

— Robin “Miss Conduct” Abrahams

Right on, sister.