Spoilers sort of

Don’t go to see Jason Bourne.  It’s a classic example, as Jeff and I agreed, of an action movie in which every single element is perfect but the script.  So I’m not going to say anything about the plot such as it is but I will spoil the movie for you by telling you not to go.

Keith’s coming for brekky

As the Jeff Birthday celebrations continue.

Home fries, eggs, bacon, sausages, avocado, tomatoes and if Keith wants coffee he’d better bring it.

Editing Homilies.



added in the early afternoon…


HE BROUGHT COFFEE. Now of course I have to clean out the coffee filter but HE ALSO BROUGHT CREAM. This concludes my whining in the subject.

I’m actually enjoying editing the homilies since they aren’t on my to do list.  Funny how that works with us sickly creative types.  Ah, good, my backspace key still works.

Working on a standup routine, goes something like this.  Nope, nope the backspace key still works.