I’m not getting pain but with the allergies I’m getting scintillating scotoma all the time. Boo.
Very nice meal on Saturday with Mike at a Chinese place we hadn’t been to before. (New West Wonton House – which has been in that location 14 years and I’d never even noticed it – driven by it a hunnert times.)
They asked him if he spoke Chinese rather aggressively and he made an apologetic face – a little Cantonese and Toi Shan, mostly food.
The beef with flat noodles was fantastic; the spicy dry green beens even more so, and the wor wonton sucked a mop. Nothing bothered my stomach though, and I had the noodles and green beans for brekky too.
Writing has dropped off a cliff. In fact it’s so bad (plot problems) I want to stop writing completely and find a job; I’ll calm down eventually I suppose.
Pleasant visit from Keith yesterday; he came by so I could pass something along from Mike. Still hoping those two will get together for a games night.