More filking

Did my twofer today – good grief it is now yesterday -: I sang Elephants – which you will have seen recently, as I just wrote the durned thing, and Lemming’s Twofer, which is a patter song and I’m thrilled to say I got through it without huffing.

Sang Frobisher Bay and 40 Million Light Years in circle tonight.

So: Frank Hayes was in the chaos circle filk room tonight and he sang his entirely marvellous When I was a Boy and THERE WERE THREE followers – the same song with different lyrics.

So the original was a Pegasus winner in 1998. It was the first song I ever heard Tony Fabris play. This would have been *before* the first Conflikt, when the excellent folks of PNW filk fandom were first dreaming about a regional filk con.

The first follower was the x rated version and DAMN we laughed. – Tony sang it.

The second follower was the social justice version, sung as if by the Hidden Figures women from NASA. Fucking awesome, and written by a guy too. (THE FEMINISM, GENDER BINARY POSITIVITY, ACE REPRESENTATION AND ALL AROUND COOLNESS of this convention is fucking mindblowing. SISTERHOOD BE POWER FULL YALL)

The third follower was Tony Fabris’s own filk of it, which he doesn’t sing any more, sung by Kathy Mar, and set in the future.

As the songs were whirling around, Frank Hayes mentioned that the Interfilk Guest (I was an IG once, for GAfilk) Lauren Cox had sung on stage a line “What’s the name of that disease” which is a reference to Frank’s consistent and storied ability to forget his own lyrics. She had HEARD OF FRANK HAYES’ DISEASE through filk fandom and





and said I’m Frank Hayes, Lauren said in tones of ultimate surprise.


Ain’t nobody mythical in filk fandom.

Anyway, mOm, we raised over two grand from the interfilk auction and so, soon, some other mOm will get an excited call that she’s getting an all expenses paid trip to someplace amazing to SING.

There are at least 21 former IGs at Conflikt.

What a community, so proud and happy to be a member.

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

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