You know that I have lots to say

But I don’t necessarily say it.

Found a love letter I wrote to a friend ten years ago. I never gave it to them for reasons that make sense to me, and didn’t give it after because our friendship altered, many times. I don’t know how appropriate it would be to give it over now, but it’s quite a piece of writing, so I’m transcribing it.

Almost finished reposting September 2004 into this WordPress blog. Lots of amazing pictures. Note to self, more pictures.


gaw damn

So the government having spun and ground and popped its neck vertebrae has now coughtèd up another 2700 dollars this time for GST/HST.

Unbelievable. Jeff suggested sending fleurs to the woman at RevCan and I’m seriously considering it… anonymous, of course, so as to not have the appearance of a bribe.

Her voice – so peaceful and kind.

The exact opposite of what you’d expect.

Finally did a word count on HOTM can you believe it the rewrite is now almost 30K long!!!