I wish I had a single intelligent thing to say. I’m all out of smarts.
3300 words so far on TB in July. Schlep this morning.
I hope to leave the house today. I am at quite a low ebb and exhausted with worry but somehow I manage to do a few domestic things a day like run the dishwasher and make iced tea.
Another woman relative has been diagnosed with add. Yes it runs in families.
UPS Pilots are going to go out on strike with UPS drivers in the US. You wanna crash the economy, because that’s how you crash the economy.
Keith and Rob are dribs and drabsing their way through the rest of his boxes, may the lord bless and keep them both.
I have an ad for a garage sale to write.
Multi-family garage sale
8133 15th Ave, Burnaby
7 AM to 1 PM
(closest intersection 16th Ave and 2nd St – 101 bus stop steps away)
CAMPING EQUIPMENT including canoes
BIKES including a folding bike with carry bag
Also it is in pleasing colours not outside the range of their admittedly eclectic ‘décor’.
Rose Schmits says this is ‘tentacle pot 081’. She is a ‘trans kiln witch’ according to her bio and apparently she’s on TV somewhere too (the great pottery throwdown I have learned) in her capacity as a ceramicist. She has a site under her own name where there is more.
The move went as smoothly as one could expect or hope. We had a slow, panicked start (Keith and I fucking near died of having our eyes pop out but Keith maintained) when we learned that the move couldn’t happen because Paul didn’t have insurance for his studio apartment and Keith had already rented the truck. Fortunately Lois and Ruth are back in the country after their amazing trip to Portugal and they GOT ON THE CASE, and all was well, and we started loading the truck pretty fast after that. Dax helped get one of the ugliest pieces into the truck (he didn’t help with loadout because he was working on his car).
Alex volunteered and rode shotgun with Uncle. He was of material assistance the whole way through. (off topic aside to mOm – Maybe Richie seems like an unrealistic character but when I have kids like Alex in my life he’s easy to imagine!) Paul bought we four lunch in the Wendy’s on 6th and I asked Alex if he’d ever been misgendered because of his hair – his brilliant hair – and he LAUGHED and said “Once, an older new kid at the school. So yeah I have been misgendered.” And continued to dip his fries in his frosty, as one does.
I told Katie that night that Alex was so helpful and hardworking it was amazingly wonderful and balm for my wounded nerves.
Anyway, the rest of the move is up to cars moving boxes and this is me being happy because he’ll be safe.
I got very hot, but I was very consistent about hydration and Keith helped me manage how many times I took the stairs. Needless to say Keith performed heroic service and I love and respect him right now more than I ever have, which was a lot.
Came home and there was Rocky Point Strawberry ice cream in the fridge. One word. Exquisite.
Love y’all, more later.
Took Paul for a walk at Fraser Foreshore yesterday, then brought him back here, where he demolished two soups (gazpacho and ramen) and one stir fry, and half a glass of unsweetened ice tea.
He does not really understand that he’s moving out tomorrow. After Suzanne comes today I’m going to go help him pack. I’d prefer to go earlier in the morning but life is what it is.
Ron Desantis saying that the insurance companies will ‘come back to Florida’ if there’s a light hurricane season is like saying that I’m going back to Paul if he apologizes. Did someone sit ALL of his university exams for him?
Finger still hurts like hurt fingers do. Typing that ‘o’ hurt. That one Ow too. Shit.
All the energy I had this time last week is gone. But I am committed to having energy until after the garage sale.
I was hoping to have rant energy, but sober consideration of the matter leads me to think not.
I put away a load of laundry and there’s one load left. <— ha ha accomplishment
walked two circuits at the school with Jeff<— ha ha accomplishment
Made an art (Typeface is Klitschko vs Illiteracy obtained by dipping boxing gloves in ink and punching the ink into walls until it’s a letter)<— ha ha accomplishment
I’m really not very communicative because I’m really preoccupied with stuff in real life.
I have to work on a Katie etc family project (the garage sale) with basically all of my spare cycles until pretty much the end of the month, so I’ll be providing updates but not much else most likely.
I’m getting extremely positive feedback on advice I’m giving to younger women with ADD and other parents and you know what? I am fucking awesome, and a river to my people.
Dishwasher’s running, laundry sitch now critical, have to run errands for the garage sale today.
I have nothing to say.
Okay I saw Ryker yesterday.
Not today Death you fucking asshole. Gotta love it.
I have to order Keith’s birthday present.
I did not laundry but I did run the dishwasher. Tried watch GotGIII and bailed, just wasn’t feeling it. Watched the first episode of Silo and didn’t feel that either, I just think Rashida Jones is miscast and I can’t really say why.
There are many versions of this but one of my filkacqs received this from a loved one and JUST YESTERDAY I was talking to you about that, so funny coincidence.
Ran over to help Keith do Alex coverage, we played games and watched part of a movie and I asked him to name all his family and that was VERY INTERESTING as a window into his mind. Also meltingly sweet.
When I was done, Paul was done with his errands so I picked him up and watched him throw his prescriptions into the trash. I briefly lost my cheese and then one of the gaggle of Desi girls who works at the Tim Hortons he was sitting in front of came out with the key and helped him get it out of the trash. Honestly her kindness made my day.
Lovely wide-ranging phone call with Dave yesterday. He’s doing okay, it’s been hella hot in the Tdot.
Got both mOm and pOp on the phone yesterday. That was an unexpected happy note in my day.
Working on a new tune on the uke. Plugging away at both current writing projects. Must do laundry today. Summer service at John H’s tomorrow – Keith’s going early to help Marilyn (they were in Philosopher’s Café together) set up chairs.
Offered Buster many options this morning but what he really wanted was snuggles from yours truly, so that was sweet. Then he went out into the kitchen and catched treats without training. He is a cat.
Love and soft hugs and warm thoughts for all 8 of you, my dear consistent readers. If you have grandchildren, I hope you take a minute to enjoy them. I enjoy mine. And my oldest child is 37 today, and he wants media. I will see about it.
it’s like he’s saying WTF MOM I had nothing to do with that. Raywat Deonandan reposted that on twitter. I still go there, but bluesky, the TWITTER KILLER, (actually the smug social media dwarf kicking its immense moribund corpus) is SO MUCH FUN. It’s like early twitter and I am having a complete blast with the freaks, geeks, artistes and trans people. I have had more positive interactions there than on twitter and I only just joined and have hardly any followers.
It’s Raywat that got me writing about Guyana. LOL These foolish things. And the more research I do the more I get wrong. I mean, once I went to Iceland and learned JUST HOW BARREN THE RING ROAD IS I went back and rewrote Iceland scenes with that knowledge.
The cone is off.
Buster immediately did two things; scream at the door (Jeff’s not letting him out yet) and insist on training. That was pleasant.
I had home made ramen for breakfast – I made it lunchtime yesterday. Soup has such a mollifying quality to it. Ingredients: 2 litres of low salt chicken broth, two teaspoons of veggie soup stock, one teaspoon of hoisin sauce, one teaspoon of sesame oil, fresh parsley, sautéed garlic and onions, organic ramen noodles. (SO GOOD).
I’ve done my brain exercises. I still have a brain, it’s doing okay, I even got two top five scores for the first time in what feels like months. So whatever weirdness was happening seems to have lifted a bit.
Off this afternoon to mind Ryker for three whole hours. Alex has been abjured by his mommabear to assist me because I’m ‘worried I might do something wrong because I don’t have enough practice looking after him.’
Given a choice between shooting and murdering Vlad Putin and Clarence Thomas, I think I’d shoot Thomas; more of my friends would be positively affected.
Thomas is a rich hypocrite. In 1983 he talked about the positive effects of affirmative action on his life; this week he spearheaded ending it, to appease his corporate masters. If Biden doesn’t pack the court, there will never be another ‘democratically elected’ president.
I suppose it won’t be enough to kickstart a revolution, but I understand what is happening, and we have to stop this shit from taking further root in Canada.
It’s “canada day”. I ain’t celebratin’.
Clipped Paul’s heinous toes yesterday and to my horror found that he had a fully infected pus oozing injury on one toe, so I dealt with that too, and briefly hung with the folks at their place. Paul’s not moving this weekend so I called Mike and told him to stand down.
TRIED to get hold of the docs office, they closed it without telling anyone at lunch yesterday. Faaaaack.
I remembered (riiiippp) why I wear clothes to bed. I sweat, stuff sticks together, I roll over and get a bruise from where two sets of skin rip apart. Aiyoille. Now I have a matching set on the undersides of both upper arms. SAD. 7316 words total on the new fic, 500 words scattered over the last three days on TB.
Very productive day – ran various errands, got my meds, picked up a glasses cord, wrote, only practiced a bit though which is standard when the graphomania sets in. Jeff says I’m talking a lot…. yup, do feel a little sped up. It’s a lovely sensation after having the energy of a sloth and the mental capacity of a kitten.
BUSTER IS SO DONE WITH THE CONE. It comes off early next week.