I didn’t know he was running two strategies in opposition to each other – concurrently.
Category: Politics
Vive l’anarchie
Yes, I know that I would rather die a thousand deaths than throw a Molotov cocktail at a policewoman, but I have to love the report on the stunning daylight raid of some Greek anarchists on a cop shop in Athens. Check out one of Bruce Sterling’s posts from today from the blogroll at the side of this post….. no arrests. Hm.
HOORAY Riverbend finally posted
I was terrified she’d gotten herself blown up in Baghdad. Check out the blogroll.
That woman can write
Naomi Wolf on 10 steps to fascism
Interesting essay on melancholy
How the US plans to deport 12 million illegal aliens
Jon Stewart and John Oliver
Shameless Plug For Research
Go here and learn more about authoritarianism. The introduction alone had me laughing my ass off.
Found through Stan Goff’s blog
Call me a schmuck (Voice in the back, Okay! You’re a schmuck!) but I’m still going to see the movie… for the dudity (neologism stolen from aintitcool.com)
Faux Newts, busted
Cory Doctorow Trip Report
It all started when Rob of Nine mentioned that he wanted to go see Cory’s talk. At first I shrugged it off, thinking, a) it wasn’t my idea and b) what? take an afternoon off work to do something intellectually stimulating? Continue reading Cory Doctorow Trip Report
Happy International Women’s Day
It’s good to be a girl.