Joni Mitchell ‘River’

Don’t feel like posting, so I won’t, much. Saw Joni Mitchell River last night which is a sort of concert play based on Joni’s music. It was interesting, but not entirely successful; it had ‘moments’. I’m not used to being in the front row, and having cried so much in the last little while it was really hard to keep my eyes open, so I ended up not really watching the show except in bits and just listening to music. Musicianship was uniformly excellent.

The last time I cried this much in this period of time my cat had just died. I figured I had stopped last night but it just started up as soon as I woke up this morning… had to phone my mother to make it stop.

I bailed on the pot luck at the North Shore church tonight; I’m just barely going to make it over to Peggy’s for the canvass meeting as it is. I would put my mood as fifty fifty tremulous exhaustion and blank despair. No, (she said) I am not suicidal. Suicide is for people who don’t know that chocolate heals all wounds. So I ate a chocolate croissant and Katie’s putting on tea water for me.

Very very interesting Tarot reading last night. Matt had FIVE major arcana come up. Katie’s was “You are working very hard and you hate school”. Keith’s was “You will have a successful career but a big change around the home front is coming for you”. Mine is the usual, quit avoiding what you’re avoiding and get on with your life. Some things don’t change.

That’s Jan with a fungus.

Board meeting

Feeling much better these days. Board meeting was interesting. The tarot reading back in December of 2003 indicated we’d be in our own building within 18 months but I was left feeling farther away from the idea rather than closer, last night. ESPECIALLY talking to Tam-Tam about her church in Toronto made me feel a little less sanguine (I called her this morning, mostly to get a report on how she’s doing since she broke up with her squeeze).

On one hand it’s very very difficult to get into a church without swacks of cash and even bigger swacks of debt; on the other maybe we don’t want a ‘real church’ building at all but should consider other models for getting a building, including cohousing with a business, or another not for profit organization, along the lines of what happened in Nanaimo or Edmonton. Who the hell knows. It was interesting to find out that there’s a spring on the property.

At least the church looks to be out of the woods financially for the next year, which makes life a little easier. I was juggling sums last night trying to figure out how to raise my pledge without raising Paul’s ire. Off to work.



A wonderful night’s sleep; prompted by going to see a financial advisor for the first time and then off to see a potential church property which is, strangely enough, and with no input from me, in New Westminster rather than in the Tri Cities. It’s about the comfortable edge of walking distance for me.

The Board meeting tonight will mostly be about canvass, but there will also be a certain amount of leaping and twittering about the potential church building as well. Jumpin’ Jiminy Cricket, but it will be an expensive undertaking, if we decide to take it on. I even talked to the financial adviser about it, asking if he had any idea where a non profit organization could find a wad of low interest loan. Oops, better get Katie up. And it’s late… I’d better get out the door to work. More later…

sleepy girl and rocket power

This little girl is from Balouchestan, Iran. She’s either asleep or posing for the photographer. The caption from the satiric Iranian weblog it was captured from (thanks Mo!) is Sss! Let her sleep! A lifetime of suffering is before her…..

My associate DM, a god among men, sent me a pic of the rocket shopping cart guy. If I ever make a music video (collective gasp!) this WILL be in it.


Carly soccer

Jim and Carly are off to a soccer game in North Van and then to the excruciating pain that is the ferry situation on a long holiday weekend in Vancouver. He uploaded all the pictures he took so I will post some before I fire them off to his email address. The pork roast was absolutely exquisite and the rest of the food was okay— everybody seemed to enjoy it. Veg was salad, pan fried parsnips, yams, broccoli with home made cheese sauce and of COURSE potatoes, in this case new potatoes boiled in their jackets. Because Carly is a pollo vegetarian, I had to cook a turkey breast for her, but when we got to the market there was not so much as a shred of turkey meat in the joint and I didn’t feel like running all over town finding some, so I bought a boneless chicken breast instead.

Then I brought it home and went Jeezly Hell, how do I cook this? So I wrapped it around a celery stick and a couple of garlic cloves, dumped it in a corningware pot, dumped a five ounce can of coconut milk on it, covered it with pepper and salt and as an afterthought tossed in some fresh lemon juice. And stuck it in about an hour after the roast at 300 F; it cooked for about an hour and a half. Anyway, Carly devoured it with loud cries of glee pronouncing it extremely tender (it was) so I was VERY relieved because if she’d hated it, I would have been embarrassed. Pic is of one of her games…. she may or may not be in the picture.

As for the roast, what is there to say? You take a hunk of pig, cover it to the gills with sauerkraut, put the lid on the dutch oven and cook for 3 hours at 300. Damn but it was good… and there were leftovers! We had applesauce too, yum. Whole thing was Katie’s idea, and much as I love Keith it was a relief to cook a meal without worrying about what HE would eat.

Power went off twice last night briefly. No idea why. I was asleep at the time. Now I get to find out what marching orders I have from Paul for the day… and tomorrow, back to work! Paul got in about 1. He says he was very happy to be home.


I don’t know about you, but I find it’s really icky to be awake at 5:45. I heard some very loud traffic about 20 minutes ago and thought, well, Jim and Carly have to get up at six so I figured what the hell and got up. Glen and Marilyn are coming over for roast pork tonight…. I invited them seeing as how they didn’t have firm plans and it’s probably been a while since we’ve all been in the same room. JIM SET MY SOUND SYSTEM UP. I can finally listen to my LP’s again. Yippee. I have heard a piece of news about church which, if true, is the best we’ve heard in ages; more details will be forthcoming at the Board Meeting, which, inshallah, I will attend on Wednesday.

I know that mocking a gift is insufferably rude, but I just gotta. Jim and Carly returned from the soccer game with Chinese goodies in hand. And by the way, Carly’s team waxed their opponents’ collective heinie, which had NOT been expected, as the ferry bringing the rest of her team and the coach over went mechanical so they delayed the game rather than cancel or reschedule; Carly’s team had NO soccer balls to warm up with and when the rest of the team showed it was like ONTO THE FIELD and PLAY. And they won, three zip, so you can see what adversity does to people. Now Carly, who is NOT a morning person, has to get up and go to Ambleside and start a game at 8:30. It isn’t raining in Burnaby but who the putz knows in North Van, right? It’s like another world up there. You do have a nice view up there…. two months of the year! Carly did tell me that the Kelowna team has a member whose nickname is Sasquatch and that she’s legendary for falling on people.

Katie has finally gotten in touch with Matt, which allowed her to calm down a bit. You can see the floor in her room; a charming state of affairs, wish I could say the same. Off to get my tea and then fill up the kettle again, preparatory to Jim and Carly’s rise from the depths this morning (they are sleeping in the dungeon).

For those of you not familiar with the layout of my house, which is pretty weird, there is a room in the basement (which is technically the ground floor, as it is at grade) with NO WINDOWS. Considering that Paul occasionally works midnights, it’s a good thing to have a really dark, really quiet, really isolated room. Teenagers LOVE that room, it’s like a canonical law or something.

Keith got to Victoria okay. I love that kid. He is so consistently helpful and entertaining; he’s one of the funniest people I know and I know a few. Picture is something random.

sleep the unknown ideal

Ha! Didn’t tell the end of the anecdote. So anyway, these Chinese buns show up and in amongst them are almond cookies, which I fall upon with joy, because Ah loves almond cookes. I take a bite, and you familiar with the expression “Her Face Fell”? Well something similar happened to my face. I chewed carefully and swallowed and said, You know, these cookies were made with bacon grease. And Jim took the cookie, and the same expression came over his face. Smelled like bacon grease, tasted like bacon grease. Carly said, imagine trying that on a pollo vegetarian (she still eats things with faces, but they can’t have fur). In the entire time I’ve been eating almond cookies, which is over 35 years, I’ve never had such a culinary oddity. It’s not like they were bad, because the bacon grease wasn’t rancid. It’s just they were really weird. Sigh. Now I know why they were that odd… well, grungy brown colour. Okay, now I’m finished. Off to the kettle to put on coffee water.

Her eye is upon you

Sheesh, I forgot to blog today. Musta been having too much fun. Paul’s gone off to Courtenay with Dan T and his son Nicolas; Katie cleaned her room today (check for which direction the sun rises in tomorrow morning); we purchased replacement parts for our LP turntable and Jim P has kindly agreed to help me set it up tomorrow evening; Jim P and Carly have safely arrived and now we’re just stooging about waiting for the cinnamon buns to get out of the oven; Keith found my athletic pass to the Canada Games Pool (and when I said it was a sign from God he said, Yeah, get your lazy ass out and get some exercise; I am feeling much better now that I know that I do actually have something wrong with me but it isn’t serious enough to really rivet the attention of an endocrinologist. John is off filking at the V-Con and I am just really happy that my bed is only about 4 metres away. Picture is something at random from my files.

a big apple

Jamie Corston of the UK grew this apple. It is apparently not the largest apple ever grown in England….. but cow manure was involved.

Today is going to be a combination of running around, sitting still and work avoidance, so it will be a pretty typical Allegra kind of day. My tarot reading last night turned up Death, the Tower and Judgement, but reasonably well placed. I don’t mind when Death is in my past, and as for Judgement Day, isn’t it always in the future? Isn’t it always today? The happy family situation will continue for a while.

I checked. The sun did rise in the east this am. Gotta waken Katie in half an hour, she wants to be ready when Lexi gets here. Sent Keith out into the garden; he plucked herbs (mostly spearmint) to bring back to put into a bowl with boiling water so he could inhale the steam and we could get some air into him. He’s not breathing very well through his nose. This extremely funny family anecdote, involving a handkerchief and dimsum, deleted as there was no way to get the point of the story across without being really disgusting.

I assume Paul got to Courtenay okay; the cops haven’t called.

bite me takes on new meaning

Every once in a while you see a picture so marvellous, so ringingly evocative of the human condition, that you just HAVE to share it. Pictured is a man working on Big Tex, who is part of a display for a (one would assume) Texas sized theme park.

Yesterday I went to one of these parental events that fills one with dread. In this case the Parent Teacher night was bloody marvellous, and I’ll tell you why….

A black rabbit hopped over my foot while I was talking to the Math Teacher, Dave.

I got to see a black widow spider. And to listen to the Science Teacher Tim kvetch about how he doesn’t know what to feed the babies. Thasss right, there are BABY BLACK WIDOW SPIDERS crawling around (safely stowed) in my KIDS’ SCHOOL. And nobody seems to think anything of it. Which is Even Cooler. A goth schoooool! Oi! They have a gecko, which eats the excess African stick insects, so the kids get to see nature’s way right there in science class. The gecko barks, apparently, but I didn’t hear it. Company manners you know. I got to listen to Kelly the Socials teacher say that Katie was a pleasure to have in class, and Keith’s Socials teacher say that once he put his novel down he did quite well.

So my kids are BOTH getting 70’s and 80’s in school, and doing homework assignments, and generally acting like school is if not cool then at least tolerable. If somebody had told me this was in the cards a year ago I would have been right peevish with them. Oh yeah, Katie and Keith enjoying school. Riiiiight.

Started the family reading thing again, after a year long hiatus; gave up on Dorothy Dunnett’s last work, Gemini, and am reading Phillip Pullman’s The Golden Compass instead. We have reached the end of the second chapter; Lord Asriel has escaped being poisoned and we have learned that Lyra has a great role to play in the upcoming war, but she must not know her role or she will not be able to play the part. (The whole unconscious Neo the hero thing.)

Went shopping at Army Navy yesterday. For $64 we got a two year planner, six pairs underwear (three thongs, three of the dreaded ‘granny panties’) and they’re called pairs even tho’ they are units because they have TWO LEGHOLES, I just figured that out, and a pair of knockin’ about the house trews for me, and a pair of white and baby blue runners for Kate and a hat. I am deleting the next sentence. Katie knows what I want to say; it’s quite rude, and NOT directed at her, so I’ll leave it at that. There is more than one trial in the life of a parent, and sometimes it’s not provided by one’s child, but by the prospect of watching your child restrain herself with respect to the actions of her friends.

So there you have it. Our house is an abode of bliss, I am enjoying my time off mostly because I’m doing NOTHING, and Paul is LEAVING ME THE CAR for the weekend. Yeehaw. I even got something resembling enough sleep. Off to the Parole Officer Natalie today. I hear Jim and Carly are coming for the weekend. Maybe I’ll cook a turkey. If I have a car, I’ll be able to bring one home! There’s a thought. Okay, time to post the bite me picture and get on with my day.

finally the PO

What you are about to read may shock you….but our meeting today with the Parole Officer was a warm human experience during which we all communicated reasonably well and left with a feeling of having accomplished something important.

The Crown may still elect to send Katie to court. Extrajudicial Sanctions is at the discretion of the Crown.

Katie has quit drinking, had perfect attendance at school and is actually getting good marks, is working out, going to see a counsellor (next week, likely), no longer hangs out with the kids she got in trouble with, is orders of magnitude more pleasant and responsible than she was even three months ago and recognizes perfectly well that she screwed up – all of which revealed itself during the course of the interview. So there are conditions – and I have to say Katie got off pretty lightly – but she is prepared to go to court and take her lumps if she must. It’s unclear how long the conditions apply. It helps that she doesn’t even know where this girl lives and has no intention of raising a hand to her again so the condition about staying away from her will not be a problem.

In other news, an 11 year old girl tried to kill her 34 year old babysitter with a machete that she found lying in the yard after a dispute with the babysitter about the dog. You know, you hate to blame too much tv but you have to wonder sometimes. And any householder who leaves a machete lying around the premises should be hauled in along with the kid. (Parents’ reaction upon returning home… “Sh*t, now we’ll NEVER get a sitter for the Halloween party. And I guess New Years’ is a write off too….”)

Picture is something random from the Katie files.