Rib is better

I entertained myself this morning coming up with fake reviews for the Upsun series. My inspiration was reading a panning of a piece of fantastic contemporary space opera because it has queers and soft boys in it.

lol lol lol

I got a good night of sleep and hopefully I’m ready to take on the day.

So one of the writers and show runners for Frankie Drake wrote and directed Cairo Time! Ruba Nadda is the name.

Monday at the pool

Katie and Alex came and got me to go to Edmonds; Paul and Keith came later, and then I took them home to feed them the lentil stew I made yesterday (which is yommy although the fenugreek’s too strong for Jeff).

Alex seems to be in pretty good shape these days; we had a few minutes in the little pool while his mom soaked kid-free. Then she swam up behind him like a shark and I would KILL FOR A PHOTO OF KATIE’S SMUG, PRETTY FACE as she glided by me to seize her son’s toe.

We watched Abominable. Hoo Boy. So much to say about it but I think I’ll both process and research a little while longer, or maybe pass entirely.

brekky with Katie

Jeff and I were at IHOP with Katie yesterday morning; I’m up now with a cup of coffee, having already cried with horror and laughter over the day that’s begun.

Many cats are fascinating but Buster is a people, and his continuing ability to communicate his desires and mental state in a way that this wacky primate brain can comprehend is simply lovely.

Heard from Tammy this week; she’s about to go on a lovely, much needed and longed for scuba holiday, so I’m expecting pictures when she gets back after Christmas.

Katie and I are hoping to get to Tofino this summer, if we can pick a week.

Working on fanfic. Taking a break from practicing. Baby Yoda is my thingy.

poem for my mother

colour is admirable
but it is something other people do
and we live in that
all that’s mediated anyway

If I step outside the palette’s different

I’m much the same about colour
into a teal or a gold or an outbreak of red
but there’s no palette in my brain

and it’s tiresome, because it’s something women
are just supposed to do
and it’s tiresome, and feminism is tiresome
but colour

colour is interesting
when you can see it
it’s all up in your brain
because it’s certainly not ‘out there’

and once again my mother is present
her tongue out just a little bit as she licks
the last of the stamps onto
the last of the letters
to the last of the cousins
yes indeed
yeah unto the end of the established world

we didn’t get here without hard times
evolution isn’t civil
it’s just a very long pathway to a door
that leads us to the ability to think about these things
and if you haven’t


anything today then what use is it, what was all the point of this
eating and peeing and crawling and dying
and being remade into seafoam and jade and spiderlings

the having done something is not for history
it’s for you
simulation or inexorable rush of consumptive fire
it hardly matters
if this day wasn’t for you

and your family, of course

and of course

your family can never be big enough

all present and correct

The upsters terlet is working again with its usual gracious acceptance of the truly appalling hard pounding we give it. I mean, if you didn’t know better you’d swear we were teenaged girls we go through so much soap and toilet paper. But I guess you don’t want to hear about that, however amusing we find it.

Today is buy nothing day and I’ve managed it so far although I may not last the whole day.

54044 HOTM word count. I sent some to mOm but I haven’t heard back from her yet.

I’m feeling alone but not lonely. It’s optimal for wanting to write.

meetup tonight

Sauna last night

Mike and Jarmo got REALLY YOMMY FOOD from Mr. Ho’s (the speecy tofu was partickalarly good) and I drank beer and sauna’ed all of which were probably over the top. IT WAS SO GOOD TO SEE JARMO. We are now plotting a trek to Tofino this summer with grandson in tow.

Genre writers meetup tonight.  HOTM 53171, mostly infill on ‘First the Part’

waiting for the landlady to come and grudgingly admit that the toilet needs to be dealt with by a plumber


which she has.


Mike was here

Day before yesterday Mike came over for supper (pizza) and to watch TV (second season Jack Ryan) and it was good. Yesterday was a quiet day, apart from a trip for donuts first thing in the morning.

I’m GONNA SEE JARMO tonight, Mike and I are getting together with him and we’re a-gonna sauna!!!! The Mobiba is set up again in Mike’s apartment!!!! Not exactly as shown. (he hooks it into the 208, if anyone cares).

I am so looking forward to seeing him, he’s one of the people I miss most from my old work.

Just in case I hadn’t mentioned it I AM LOVING THE MANDALORIAN. It is what it is, uncomplicated and fun. However, Disney trying to get all the gifs of Baby Yoda off the internet BWA YA YA YA HA HA HA OUTTA BREATH HERE

52830 word count


I love my weighted blanket

I want to be in bed all the time.

I have dry eyes so I like to close me eyes. Also I love TV and the internet so I like to open me eyes. I open me eyes very wide and very far and very long and then they get sad and dry and I must go close ’em, or put in drops which make the corners of my eyes with the tear ducts feel like some lil fucker with a teeny weeny taser is, like, tasing the corners of my eyes with an eyelash sized taser for about two minutes until my natural secretions get the backwash out.

Reading people I’m old enough to have given birth to complain about their physical pains makes me instantly feel older than granite. Granite just in case you’re wondering is among the oldest of the kinds of rocks on earth.