No flowers, but applause

Training was interesting.  Kinda therapeutic. At ten after five, Nick pinned me to the wall with the fiercest (while most entirely civil) riposte I’ve experienced in many months.  I’m still reeling from it.  The set up would take about six months, so let’s skip that part.

Prior to that, I didn’t buy the IT guy flowers but I did applaud when the QA guy prompted me to.  I mean, really.  Expend a few calories in appreciation?  No problem.

OMFG.  There were leftovers at the potluck and SOMEBODY MADE POUTINE.  I’ve been happy in my life, but when I saw real live poutine I nearly died of joy.  And I’d already eaten.  And, what about that England -Algeria game?  The Algerians won, nil-nil.

Watched Transporter III, and I would viddy Jason Statham attempting Shakespeare, I love him so.

Must go crash now.

My sense of humour has been rebooted

All men are alike.  It’s tragic, but it’s also funny.  Any further details (recent) supporting this contention will result in drama, so I’m going to pass over that.

Watched Age of Stupid.  I know the point wasn’t to make me want to kill myself, but honestly, it’s a damned dark movie.  Even so, I still feel better than I did this time yesterday.

Light day at work today – training session on the new call center software.  I should buy flowers for the IT guy on the way in to work.

Jericho and Ziva

At one point in the evening I looked out to see five bunnies frolicking on the grass next to the club.

Mike and I killed a pitcher of beer and ate burgers and dogs and yam fries.  The sun and the mountains and the water put us in a damned good mood.

Then….. one of the BEST BEST BEST open mics ever, including a beautiful rendition of Wild Mountain Thyme (Mike and I admitted to each other after that we wept, thinking of John).  The duo as the main event I’ve seen before (they inspired me to get a laptop snare) and they were awesome, I LOVE their choice of material.   At the half Grant and Rozo appeared (Rozo used to be Vilma) and it was so good to see them.

Watched soccer at lunch yesterday at work.  I was the only woman in the room.  It was the Brazil PRK game.

Then I showed off Ziva and drove Mike home.  Mike enjoyed not having to drive for a change; he called it a rare treat, and ya gotta love a sunroof on a night like that.

A Date, among other things

Jeff tells me I am unusually buoyant, to keep trying after so many hilarious (and occasionally creepy, like the guy who put his head in my lap on the Skytrain after I’d told him to bugger off, but I digress) disasters.  I suppose last night gave me a demonstration as to why maintaining a positive attitude is what a person needs to do.  I sure enjoyed myself last night.  It was a cup of coffee & a walk to the salamander pond (they showed up last night, and zow, but there are a lot of them.)   I drove home with the cheerful sensation one gets when one has had a date, enjoyed it, and arranged a second one.  I don’t have his permission to write about him, so I’ll leave it at that.  No, I lie.  He is the single most pleasant person I’ve met in ages – now I’ll shut up.  I have a head cold…. so attractive.

Work is interesting and challenging these days.  I found out that my not having completed a course at work (they have on line courses) rolls up on a report visible to my grandboss and great grandboss.  Never have I felt so motivated to finish something.  Time to get in the car, gas up and get going on it.

The Netherlands-Denmark World Cup game had one of the most amazing saves I’ve ever seen.  It was spectacular.  I can’t find a single mention of it anywhere in any of the sports news and I’m not competent enough to describe it or even remember the defender’s name. (UPDATE.  I changed my search criteria and got “Poulsen’s spectacular sliding save”).  It was one of the Danish players.  I’m thinking of changing my blog topic header to “Soccer, the sport that makes the words “Nil Nil” work as a sentence”.

Damn the vuvuzelas, they make watching the game with anything like true enjoyment virtually impossible.  The BBC is trying to figure out how to strip the noise from the feed.  Go to it, ladies and gentlemen.

The quinoa is two inches tall and the peas have started to sprout.  Everything else is being eaten to the ground by slugs as soon as it pokes its head up.

Margot sits outside Jeff’s door and meows up a storm.  She really does prefer him to me, mostly because he’s home a bit more, feeds her in the mornings more than I do, and he doesn’t brush her.  Sometimes she begs for the brush if she sees it – other times she struggles and complains.  I never know in advance what I’m going to get.

Jeff cut the lawn, after asking me pointedly this morning when the bag and frame for the lawnmower are coming in to the store where I ordered it.  It’s going to be at least another week, which is annoying.  Anyway, thanks Jeff!  It was pretty long.

Be good, all y’all.

And Baby Makes Squee

Younguns, had lots of them this weekend.  Tré, making Jeff laugh and laugh and laugh (and why the hell not, he’s a winsome one.

Kids at church, saying awesomely wise and funny things during the kids’ story.  I relayed the message to the rest of the congregation and we all had a good laugh.

Service was almost exactly an hour.  I can do some things right.  Prelude music worked out alright.  Accompanist David had big galomphing piles of awesomeness in all directions.  So in love.  But not with the sound system, another story oyveyizmir.

Saw Lady Miss B, and by extension, her nameless parasite. (Yes, she’s enceinte).

Came home and apart from making supper, didn’t do much of anything.

Season three opener for True Blood kicked ass, and had major amounts of dudity between two major characters.  No spoilers, this one’s too good as a surprise.

Hope everybody had a good weekend.

Put on a very very sad face

Now try to watch this video without changing your expression. Ha!  Knew ya couldn’t.

I’m still in full bore freakout mode about today’s service, but oh well.  I ran through the new songs last night (new as in I don’t recollect them ever having been sung in church before).  Four old standards and three new ones.  We’ll see how it goes.  At least I know I have a sound man now, up until 11 am yesterday I didn’t know I’d have one.  Yup, nervewracking, exciting and amazing.

SGU closes, True Blood opens

Season Finale for SGU was pretty good (better than the previous episode, for sure) and now my tv impatience is directed at the season opener for True Blood, which is Sunday night.

Finally have everything together for the service tomorrow.  Deep breaths.

Marylke and Bareld fed us a spectacular meal last night – the company and the meal were delightful.

Now, back to the OOS, which is starting to look like a small pamphlet.