Cross posted from an email from Carolyn Porco

Start quote

December 3, 2007

Dear Friends,

To celebrate the holiday season and mark the close of another year
exploring Saturn, CICLOPS is running a contest for the most popular
image taken by our cameras since Cassini’s arrival in the Saturn system
nearly 4 years ago.

Please go to …

… and vote for your favorite color and `black and white’ images, and
your favorite movie clip, too.  The field has been narrowed from the
thousands of image products that CICLOPS has released thus far to a
handful that have been pre-selected by the members of the CICLOPS Alliance.

The voting ends at midnight on December 30th, Mountain Standard Time.
The results will be posted on December 31.  And three lucky people among
the entrants will win a printed poster of the winning color image or an
image of their choice.

And let’s tell the whole world what Cassini has accomplished!  Invite
anybody and everybody you know to visit our site and cast a vote.  This
contest is for everyone to enjoy.

So, good luck to all of you, and let the voting begin now!

Carolyn Porco
Cassini Imaging Team Leader
Space Science Institute
Boulder, CO

End quote. 


Vote early, vote often kids!

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Born when atmospheric carbon was 316 PPM. Settled on MST country since 1997. Parent, grandparent.

One thought on “Cross posted from an email from Carolyn Porco”

  1. I have voted – a tough choice. I infer I may vote again! Good.

    I want to be Carolyn Porco when I grow up.

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